30 reviews
Given the title and outlandish box art, I was ready for just about anything. Perhaps my expectation were forced just a bit to high, because I was left a little dry.
A film crew working on a soft-core sex movie end up at a strange house when they get lost in the fog and decide the best way to spend the evening is to have sex. Where hasn't this set up been used before? The difference here is the uber-perverse nature of the sex. Not allowed to show all the goods (groin shots were illegal in Japan for a long time, what is shown is fogged out) the movie tries as hard as it can to show the viewer just how unnatural sex can be.
Amidst all the kinky goings on, a mud monster (whose origin I can't fathom) shows up and begins murdering the men and raping the women...then murdering them too. Some of the sights are a bit much, most notably a woman having her intestines pulled out through her vagina or another woman spitting out a mouthful of...stuff, but otherwise the gore is pretty standard fare.
Ultimately the film is pulled down by it's own designs; it's too over-sexed to be a strait horror picture and too gruesome to work as a sex flick. The mediums can work, but there need to be a balance.
A film crew working on a soft-core sex movie end up at a strange house when they get lost in the fog and decide the best way to spend the evening is to have sex. Where hasn't this set up been used before? The difference here is the uber-perverse nature of the sex. Not allowed to show all the goods (groin shots were illegal in Japan for a long time, what is shown is fogged out) the movie tries as hard as it can to show the viewer just how unnatural sex can be.
Amidst all the kinky goings on, a mud monster (whose origin I can't fathom) shows up and begins murdering the men and raping the women...then murdering them too. Some of the sights are a bit much, most notably a woman having her intestines pulled out through her vagina or another woman spitting out a mouthful of...stuff, but otherwise the gore is pretty standard fare.
Ultimately the film is pulled down by it's own designs; it's too over-sexed to be a strait horror picture and too gruesome to work as a sex flick. The mediums can work, but there need to be a balance.
How do you review this objectively? I don't think you can. You either enjoy this sort of thing or you don't. I've given the movie a 5 not because its either good or bad, it simply is and I can't try to rate it for that reason.
After a soft-core photo shoot the photographers and the models go to a house in the mountains where kinky sex takes with occasional interruptions by a mud-covered demon/psycho who tears the men apart and has his way with the women. Plotwise thats about it, sex followed by violence followed by sex...
I don't know what else to say beyond that. Certainly its well made with sex scenes that are quite steamy (and kinky). I can't say that there really is a point beyond the melding of sex and horror. If its suppose to disturb it does that. If its suppose to titillate it does that too. I just don't know if you're suppose to feel both emotions at the same time.
As I said you either enjoy this sort of thing or you don't. Whether you watch it is your own choice, just don't say you weren't warned.
After a soft-core photo shoot the photographers and the models go to a house in the mountains where kinky sex takes with occasional interruptions by a mud-covered demon/psycho who tears the men apart and has his way with the women. Plotwise thats about it, sex followed by violence followed by sex...
I don't know what else to say beyond that. Certainly its well made with sex scenes that are quite steamy (and kinky). I can't say that there really is a point beyond the melding of sex and horror. If its suppose to disturb it does that. If its suppose to titillate it does that too. I just don't know if you're suppose to feel both emotions at the same time.
As I said you either enjoy this sort of thing or you don't. Whether you watch it is your own choice, just don't say you weren't warned.
- dbborroughs
- Aug 7, 2005
- Permalink
A lot of these Japanese soft porno movies remind me of old American nudie/sex films from the 60s, albeit a lot more explicit. This one is no exception, save the severely warped "horror" (?) movie that somehow sneaks its way into this tame squeal and grunt production. The "porno" parts are almost anti-erotic (they reminded me of scenes from Andy Milligan's "Seeds of Sin" for some reason) with lots of irritating Japanese girl squealing and the typical Japanese obsession with various bodily fluids dripping or being flung about (watch out for fogged pubic hair though!). In the midst of this time wasting stuff a muddy guy stalks around the fringes of the production and finally makes himself known by killing and raping the cast in ridiculous ways, before finally impregnating the one survivor while spouting off nonsense about "the only power that can kill me" or something. This movie was boring, and yet fascinating. The acting comes from the Big Book of Japanese Acting Templates. The cute girl acts like the cute girl in every other Japanese movie, as do the crazy girl, sexy girl, and horny lecherous old man. The violence is very cheap and silly, but seemingly from another movie, as if the director really wanted to make this extreme and surreal horror movie statement (in the terrible supplemental interview with him that I watched for 5 minutes he mentioned Decartes and said he was "angry at the world") but could only get sex movie studio Nikkatsu to fund it, so tossed off a half dozen boring sex scenes before getting to the good stuff. The "good stuff" made this movie semi-legendary on the underground/bootleg circuit for years (the title alone was a strong selling point), but I'm glad I never shelled out $20 for a bootleg, its just not all that great, save as a curio.
I got misled into seeing this aft reading a review praising that it is an atmospheric horror movie.
The movie is not at all scary, there is absolutely no atmosphere, the editing n cinematography is abysmal.
Why certain reviewers praised n called it an atmospheric horror movie is beyond me.
The movie is not at all scary, there is absolutely no atmosphere, the editing n cinematography is abysmal.
Why certain reviewers praised n called it an atmospheric horror movie is beyond me.
- Fella_shibby
- Mar 16, 2022
- Permalink
After reading the opinions of other users I thought it a good idea to express my own.
Plot: Soft-core filmmakers take nubile young women to a remote house under the pretense of "advancing" their careers. Too bad for them a maniac in the form of a demon with a large penis is stalking and killing them.
There is a ton of soft-core sex (including demon sex), a beheading, a disemboweling, severed hand masturbation....well, these are things already mentioned in previous comments so let's get to the point of why I enjoyed this movie.
Its sleazy, trashy, a bit gory, and a whole helluva lot of fun. This movie does things that were completely shocking and unexpected and had me, more than once, laughing and crying out, "OMG!". If you're like me you've seen just about every piece of exploitative filth made in the US and Europe, but this film tops them all. And it has an ending which left me gape-mouthed and wanting more.
As far as the optical censoring mentioned in other posts, yes, its true. Now to clarify this. The Japanese do not allow below the waist nudity, period. Optical fogging is a fact even in porn. To the user who hopes Synapse would correct this, they won't. Check out their website and you can find an old news piece that talks about how the actress' wore small pieces of white tape over their genitalia. So, even if the fogging is removed, you won't see anything. But don't let this stand in the way.
If you are a fan of Asian exploitation, horror, or manga I can't imagine you wouldn't enjoy this movie. In fact, that's what it reminded me of; a live action manga. So, check it out.
Plot: Soft-core filmmakers take nubile young women to a remote house under the pretense of "advancing" their careers. Too bad for them a maniac in the form of a demon with a large penis is stalking and killing them.
There is a ton of soft-core sex (including demon sex), a beheading, a disemboweling, severed hand masturbation....well, these are things already mentioned in previous comments so let's get to the point of why I enjoyed this movie.
Its sleazy, trashy, a bit gory, and a whole helluva lot of fun. This movie does things that were completely shocking and unexpected and had me, more than once, laughing and crying out, "OMG!". If you're like me you've seen just about every piece of exploitative filth made in the US and Europe, but this film tops them all. And it has an ending which left me gape-mouthed and wanting more.
As far as the optical censoring mentioned in other posts, yes, its true. Now to clarify this. The Japanese do not allow below the waist nudity, period. Optical fogging is a fact even in porn. To the user who hopes Synapse would correct this, they won't. Check out their website and you can find an old news piece that talks about how the actress' wore small pieces of white tape over their genitalia. So, even if the fogging is removed, you won't see anything. But don't let this stand in the way.
If you are a fan of Asian exploitation, horror, or manga I can't imagine you wouldn't enjoy this movie. In fact, that's what it reminded me of; a live action manga. So, check it out.
- Brain_Clot
- Sep 19, 2003
- Permalink
OK the plot is, wait you got me there is no true discernible plot here just a string of optically fogged sex scenes, strung together by scenes of photographers taking pictures of pretty ladies (Sometimes a combination of the two) Then a demon comes around kills the men, rapes and kills the women, and waxes poetic about the meaning of life. Moronic special effects, bad acting and bizarre philosophy aside, you get what you expect from a film with a title like this. I guess it would have to be someone's cup of tea, just not mine as I have yet to see a good Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu directed film.
DVD Extras: Subtitled Interview with Director Kazuo Komizu Part 1 (Part 2 is on the Entrails of a Beautiful Woman DVD); and Theatrical Tailer
My Grade: F
DVD Extras: Subtitled Interview with Director Kazuo Komizu Part 1 (Part 2 is on the Entrails of a Beautiful Woman DVD); and Theatrical Tailer
My Grade: F
- movieman_kev
- Sep 13, 2005
- Permalink
Maybe it was the title, or the trailer (certainly not the interview on the DVD, which is with the director as he keeps saying "hi, kids" into the camera like a buffoon), but I had expectations for Entrails of a Virgin to be at least a bit of sleazy fun with some good sex scenes and brutal, bloody killings by a weird Japanese penetrator. Turns out it's way too sleazy for its own good, or bad, or whatever. There's a problem- and one can see this also in the Italian sexploitation flick Porno Holocaust, similar to this in many respects- in not having balance to the sex and violence. Too much sex and it will turn into a prototypical porno, and not even with much production quality in comparison with most professional porno movies! And with the killing scenes, there has to be at least a little tack, and maybe just a smidgen of ingenuity, in creating the creature/killer/whatever. Entrails of a Virgin has neither. It's safe to say it's a pretty soulless movie, even if isn't one of the very worst ever made- it's there just for horn-dog Japanese fetishists to get off on girls in trouble and men who have all their brains in their 'other' heads.
In this case, we're given a photo team where the guys are taking some shots of some girls, nothing too salacious, and then by way of a dense fog they stay off at some house one night and are picked off one by one by "A Murderer" as he's credited. First off, the director Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu decides he has to put in a quota of random sex scenes early on- we get spliced in (or phoned in, take your pick) clips of one of the photographers having sex with one or more of the girls elsewhere. It looks like it's from another movie. Then once settled into the house, there's a 'wrestling' scene that's poorly choreographed and shot (yeah, we really need to see him 'all' there), and then on to the rape and killings. First the rape, by the photographers, who promise the girls some jobs for their time. Then the Murderer, who like D'Amato's creature is simply covered in mud and given a stupid facial, and who for an unknown reason kills the men and/or rapes the women one by one.
Now, the latter of those, taken by themselves, should be considered the highlights of the movie. This is like saying, however, that the croûtons are the best part of a wretchedly tasting salad. An eye-gouging scene, a spike thrown like an Olympic event (that scene, actually, is kind of cool), and finally the entrailing of the overly sex-crazed girl, whose inconsequential name I can't remember. Even *this* becomes disappointing just by not being correct to the title! On top of this, the sex scenes, which become tedious through 'Gaira' and his indulgence in long-takes-without-cutaways where everything by the Japanese censors is blurred anyway, are dubbed over by the actors (you'd think that they seem to be enjoying themselves enough, hence the need to let them 'speak' for themselves). But the overall feeling from Entrails of a Virgin is that of a lumpy one, where it's just there to be gawked at and without a shred of suspense or true horror (watch as the last girl left alive, the virgin of the picture, tries to stop the murderer from getting to her, which lasts five minutes as she keeps throwing sticks at him!) You just want it to be done with, for the 'I hate women' mantra to ease up or be rid altogether.
In this case, we're given a photo team where the guys are taking some shots of some girls, nothing too salacious, and then by way of a dense fog they stay off at some house one night and are picked off one by one by "A Murderer" as he's credited. First off, the director Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu decides he has to put in a quota of random sex scenes early on- we get spliced in (or phoned in, take your pick) clips of one of the photographers having sex with one or more of the girls elsewhere. It looks like it's from another movie. Then once settled into the house, there's a 'wrestling' scene that's poorly choreographed and shot (yeah, we really need to see him 'all' there), and then on to the rape and killings. First the rape, by the photographers, who promise the girls some jobs for their time. Then the Murderer, who like D'Amato's creature is simply covered in mud and given a stupid facial, and who for an unknown reason kills the men and/or rapes the women one by one.
Now, the latter of those, taken by themselves, should be considered the highlights of the movie. This is like saying, however, that the croûtons are the best part of a wretchedly tasting salad. An eye-gouging scene, a spike thrown like an Olympic event (that scene, actually, is kind of cool), and finally the entrailing of the overly sex-crazed girl, whose inconsequential name I can't remember. Even *this* becomes disappointing just by not being correct to the title! On top of this, the sex scenes, which become tedious through 'Gaira' and his indulgence in long-takes-without-cutaways where everything by the Japanese censors is blurred anyway, are dubbed over by the actors (you'd think that they seem to be enjoying themselves enough, hence the need to let them 'speak' for themselves). But the overall feeling from Entrails of a Virgin is that of a lumpy one, where it's just there to be gawked at and without a shred of suspense or true horror (watch as the last girl left alive, the virgin of the picture, tries to stop the murderer from getting to her, which lasts five minutes as she keeps throwing sticks at him!) You just want it to be done with, for the 'I hate women' mantra to ease up or be rid altogether.
- Quinoa1984
- Oct 5, 2007
- Permalink
I guess I only have myself to blame for the gigantic disillusion that is "Entrails of a Virgin". You already know not to expect a cinematic masterpiece when you see a juicy and proudly promoted title like this and the first impression only gets extra confirmed when noticing the film is a mid-80's production from Japan. Now, there are quite a lot of demented and sick filmmakers active in Japan, but Kazuo Komizu surpasses them all with his thoroughly depraved and sickening trilogy revolving on nothing but aggressive sex and the sadistic abuse of young girls. Not even attempting to tell a story, "Entrails of a Virgin" simply presents a hodgepodge of UN-arousing semi-pornographic sex and truly poor gore-effects that wouldn't even please the most undemanding fan of cheesy 80's horror. Images of a bunch of photographers and their fashion models are inexplicably intercut with scenes of a filthy pervert having crude sex with a seemly under-aged girl. He dumps her not even a minute after climaxing (typical) and she begs him to stay, even if she has to share him with other women. I don't get it. Is this supposed to represent a general male fantasy? Because it's really clichéd and wrongful. Anyways, back to the bunch of horny photographers and docile models. Surprised by upcoming fog on their way home, the group entrenches themselves in an abandoned country house where they have more appalling sex and eventually fall victim to a ridiculous sex-demon who kills them all. The acting performances are amateurish, the dialogs inane and primitive and Komizu's direction is weak and uninspired. I can tolerate all that, including the woman-unfriendly portrayal of sex, but I came too close to turning the film off during the indescribably mean-spirited wrestling sequence. One of the males brutally hits, kicks and throws around one of the girls and calls her a filthy whore until she literally pees her panties and cries with agony. This sequence is, in my humble opinion, the absolute low-point of Asian exploitation cinema. One to avoid and maybe even boycott.
Less self-conscious and much less pretentious than GUTS OF A BEAUTY, this Kazuo Komizu gore flick is worth a look (at least once).
Sleazy snapshotters escort wanna-be actresses/models to a remote house in the woods in order to sexually molest them. Unfortunately (for the horny boys), a long-schlonged demon, who lives in the woods, has already targeted the girls for fun.
The thing even ends up having fun with the boys -- that's IF you consider beheadings, dismemberment and masturbation with severed limbs "fun".
Once again, it all sounds better on paper than it looks and sounds on film.
Just as Komizu mangled LIVING DEAD AT TOKYO BAY with his ineptitude, he also mangles this effort and is only saved by some audacious violence and some great white panty shots.
Don't buy the hype, though, or you'll be sorely disappointed.
Sleazy snapshotters escort wanna-be actresses/models to a remote house in the woods in order to sexually molest them. Unfortunately (for the horny boys), a long-schlonged demon, who lives in the woods, has already targeted the girls for fun.
The thing even ends up having fun with the boys -- that's IF you consider beheadings, dismemberment and masturbation with severed limbs "fun".
Once again, it all sounds better on paper than it looks and sounds on film.
Just as Komizu mangled LIVING DEAD AT TOKYO BAY with his ineptitude, he also mangles this effort and is only saved by some audacious violence and some great white panty shots.
Don't buy the hype, though, or you'll be sorely disappointed.
- fertilecelluloid
- Dec 31, 2004
- Permalink
Director Kazuo Komizu started out as an assistant director and sometime co-writer to the great Koji Wakamatsu, so one might hope that the genius rubbed off. On the evidence of Guts of a Virgin, it did and it didn't. There is something of a similar innate skill with sleaze, a knowledge of the power of the frame, of close ups and still, gazing shots. He knows the illicit thrill of the female objectified, the female image dismembered, though rarely erotic this is a film with some aesthetic accomplishment to its shows of tits and asses, of beautiful legs and moaning faces. The use of discreet blurs rather than full pixellation to hide prohibited details helps too, conveying a certain woozy artiness. But sadly this is about the extent of the potency passed down and it gets rather stretched. The plot is thin, three female models and three fashion photographers finish shooting for the day but get lost in fog, leading them to spend the night in an abandoned house that just so happens to be part of the prowling ground of a dirt caked monster with a big dick. Lots of sex and assorted death follow. Thin stuff, and the writing gives no weight. The males are mean and manipulative, out for nought but throwaway thrills and the women are absurdly naive, to the point of being unsympathetic. They don't relate in especially interesting ways, so little is left but mostly joyless sex and it gets a bit dull despite the stylish shooting. The performers are all decent so if not especially interesting all the time its certainly convincing, the men are really pretty slimy and the women evidence some legitimate discomfort. Also one physical feat that seemed pretty impressive to a weakling like me (I won't say what). But it does get a bit wearying Fortunately the horror side of things is quality bizarro entertainment and the pace gradually quickens throughout the film to reach a borderline intense finale (which is also blithely bonkers in a rather pleasing manner). Atmospheric use of fog and backlighting helps, and a distinctly odd feel is produced by the decision to cut from the action to jarring visual metaphors and back. The gore effects are cheap but fun and the kills reasonably inspired and best of all unpredictable, with one being an absolute gonzo marvel. All of which doesn't entirely make up for the various longueurs, but it goes a long way in trying. I guess to sum up this is a worthy pit-stop for fans of lunatic trash, especially those with a big taste for soft-core, but no classic or anything.
- SusieSalmonLikeTheFish
- Jan 15, 2015
- Permalink
"Entrails of a Virgin" has some fashion photographers and their models(pretty cute Japanese girls)arrive one dark night at this strange empty house.A guy appears out of a mud pit and he has a big penis and is some kind of a crazy demon,I guess(it's not actually explained what he is).Loads of soft core sex scenes(optically censored again),but quite atmospheric and with one truly revolting scene showing a naked woman masturbate with a guys severed arm before having her guts pulled out from her vagina!Those crazy Japanese really get off on these types of films as there are sequels after this("Entrails of a Virgin:Female Inquisitor"-I haven't seen it!)and many other films containing the same type of abuse towards the women.Recommended,if you like sleazy Japanese exploitation.
- HumanoidOfFlesh
- Mar 4, 2002
- Permalink
Entrails of a Virgin is so bizarre and incomprehensible that it allows the viewer to interpret it subjectively, applying whatever meaning he wishes to its inexplicable excesses of sex and violence. If this was an intentional characteristic of the film, it would be a work of postmodern brilliance-but of course it isn't.
Without getting too much into plot summary, let's take a quick walking tour of the events. At a secluded cabin, an orgy is in progress, which includes topless wrestling and diaper p***ing. A vanload of latecomers joins the orgy in progress, but they have unwittingly been followed by a monster I like to call "the muddy ninja." This monster precedes to slay orgy participants one by one, except the proverbial virgin (if you don't count oral sex) who receives his seed and consequently becomes so passionate with desire that she masturbates with someone's severed hand.
Finally she has her guts pulled out, and then there's a scene which seems to imply that she's pregnant with a baby muddy ninja. Got all that? If you're going to rent this movie, it's best if you don't speak Japanese and don't have any subtitles. In a season populated by boring Hollywood flicks, putting this in your VCR might be the cinematic equivalent of shock therapy. It will certainly be something different.
Without getting too much into plot summary, let's take a quick walking tour of the events. At a secluded cabin, an orgy is in progress, which includes topless wrestling and diaper p***ing. A vanload of latecomers joins the orgy in progress, but they have unwittingly been followed by a monster I like to call "the muddy ninja." This monster precedes to slay orgy participants one by one, except the proverbial virgin (if you don't count oral sex) who receives his seed and consequently becomes so passionate with desire that she masturbates with someone's severed hand.
Finally she has her guts pulled out, and then there's a scene which seems to imply that she's pregnant with a baby muddy ninja. Got all that? If you're going to rent this movie, it's best if you don't speak Japanese and don't have any subtitles. In a season populated by boring Hollywood flicks, putting this in your VCR might be the cinematic equivalent of shock therapy. It will certainly be something different.
- mvalentine
- Apr 14, 2001
- Permalink
When i sit down to watch a movie with a name such a this and a reputation to be one of the most grotesque japanese cinema has to offer i await to be repulsed. That didn´t happen. The first half of the movie was filled with softcore leening towards rape-porn, often featured in japanese films such as this. The few gore scenes where placed in the dark so you couldn´t see what was happening. There is of course the infamous highlight with chopped of hands, naked girls and lots of monster semen, but this comes too late. You are already uninterested. So, if this sounds appealing, see the movie with low expectations.
One of the most disgusting, obscene, movies ever made? No. One of the horrible, boring, weak pieces of crap ever made? Yes. Do not waste your time. I watched because this has been called one of the most disturbing movies of all time. Who called it that? Nuns? The only thing disturbing about this movie is how stupid it is. The special effects are weak, the story is weak, the fact that their are no subtitles to understand what they're saying so you cant really follow the story is weak. The plot is weak, the dick monster is weak, the sex is weak, this is a pitiful effort. Please do not waste your time on this pile of garbage. Please save yourself the time and sheer boredom and don't watch it. The reason it was banned is because it was lame not because it was disturbing.
- jdavison-91969
- Jul 5, 2015
- Permalink
- Scarecrow-88
- Nov 29, 2008
- Permalink
- punishmentpark
- Apr 8, 2016
- Permalink
A movie crew is driving back from a remote location filming a softcore film, gets lost in the fog and finds an empty house to stay for the night. Unfortunately, a demonic being is there and this means trouble.
This is a Horror Pink Eiga film. A bit gory but it's always very brief and only a few times. There is the requisite nudity and sex scenes although all softcore and little is erotic. Could have skipped a lot of it.
The acting is very mediocre except for Saeko Kizuki who was outstanding. Always seemed to have the facial expressions for a scene.
While audio for Pink Eiga is always recorded later, it seemed like the dialogue was written after filming. Not only didn't the lips mirror the spoken dialogue. Too often the dialogue or even moaning in a sex scene was when there was no physical sign of it. Very distracting.
The editing I disliked. Often in a scene the characters location moved all as sudden separate cuts. Also distracting.
So why did I like this film? It is a similar story to the 1980's American slasher films but there's some comedic elements to most scenes. Plus any gory bits were not over the top as American films did. I'm not into gore. The sex sometimes were integral to a scene as Pink Eiga often is.
There's a lot done wrong in this movie. Still, it was enjoyable. Not great but enjoyable. Won't be for everyone. But if you want something different, it's worth checking out.
This is a Horror Pink Eiga film. A bit gory but it's always very brief and only a few times. There is the requisite nudity and sex scenes although all softcore and little is erotic. Could have skipped a lot of it.
The acting is very mediocre except for Saeko Kizuki who was outstanding. Always seemed to have the facial expressions for a scene.
While audio for Pink Eiga is always recorded later, it seemed like the dialogue was written after filming. Not only didn't the lips mirror the spoken dialogue. Too often the dialogue or even moaning in a sex scene was when there was no physical sign of it. Very distracting.
The editing I disliked. Often in a scene the characters location moved all as sudden separate cuts. Also distracting.
So why did I like this film? It is a similar story to the 1980's American slasher films but there's some comedic elements to most scenes. Plus any gory bits were not over the top as American films did. I'm not into gore. The sex sometimes were integral to a scene as Pink Eiga often is.
There's a lot done wrong in this movie. Still, it was enjoyable. Not great but enjoyable. Won't be for everyone. But if you want something different, it's worth checking out.
- Musicianmagic
- Dec 8, 2024
- Permalink
A group of people on a photo shoot in the woods take refuge in a dark house as a dense fog rolls in. When night falls, a mud-covered creature from the nearby swamp stalks them one by one...brutally killing them and performing horrific sex games with the women. Entrails Of A Virgin is the controversial sex-and-gore nightmare from director Gaira (Kazuo Kamizu). Presented here for the first time with a brand new, digitally mastered anamorphic widescreen transfer from original vault materials, Entrails Of A Virgin is definitely not for the squeamish! Prepare to be shocked, offended, horrified and repulsed by every single frame of this unbelievable Japanese cult classic...Remember, you've been warned!
This movie is definitely not for everybody. In fact, it probably appeals to only a niche segment of the horror community. Directed by Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu, it's a softcore film (while still being quite graphic in some respects) incorporating moments of almost cartoon-like, over-the-top violence. The results are a mixed bag and the viewer may find themselves aroused one minute and disgusted the next.
After what seems like an eternity of realistically seedy coupling, the film changes gear and ends up in familiar horror territory with a strange, mud-covered monster-man appearing from out of the eerie fog to unleash terror and death on the unsuspecting, sex-mad characters. The afore-mentioned monster-thing proceeds to show off his quite frighteningly large chopper. And his axe.
To categorise the film, picture the following...while a female masturbation scene sounds an erotic premise, the character involved ends up using a severed arm, the fingers of which keep curling up as rigor mortis has yet to set-in. Clearly, the slightly-demented Komizu has a warped sense of humour but it's touches like this that raise this film from being repetitive exploitation trash to something bordering on half-decent and inventive.
While by no means a masterpiece, I'm glad I ignored the advices of others and decided to give this film a chance. It's what I'd call a "Saturday Night Special" - best viewed with friends after a few beers. They may not thank you for the "Entrails" experience but they'll never forget it! 7 out of 10.
After what seems like an eternity of realistically seedy coupling, the film changes gear and ends up in familiar horror territory with a strange, mud-covered monster-man appearing from out of the eerie fog to unleash terror and death on the unsuspecting, sex-mad characters. The afore-mentioned monster-thing proceeds to show off his quite frighteningly large chopper. And his axe.
To categorise the film, picture the following...while a female masturbation scene sounds an erotic premise, the character involved ends up using a severed arm, the fingers of which keep curling up as rigor mortis has yet to set-in. Clearly, the slightly-demented Komizu has a warped sense of humour but it's touches like this that raise this film from being repetitive exploitation trash to something bordering on half-decent and inventive.
While by no means a masterpiece, I'm glad I ignored the advices of others and decided to give this film a chance. It's what I'd call a "Saturday Night Special" - best viewed with friends after a few beers. They may not thank you for the "Entrails" experience but they'll never forget it! 7 out of 10.
- DVD_Connoisseur
- Feb 7, 2007
- Permalink
For fans of porn and/or horror there is nothing but disappointment to be found in this film. The 'porn' is no stronger than you can find on late night television in Japan replete with the fogging or pixelation. But even if the fogging were removed it still wouldn't have lifted the sex scenes out of the banal to the, hopefully, mildly arousing. The perennial motifs of Japanese porn are here; juvenille looking women wearing white knickers taking no pleasure in the sexual acts they indulge in only under protest. As for the horror quotient, there isn't any!!
Dont believe the hype around the DVD release of this film and don't, upon seeing the box's cover, buy it on the assumption that its a manga animation....like I did.
Dont believe the hype around the DVD release of this film and don't, upon seeing the box's cover, buy it on the assumption that its a manga animation....like I did.
Kazuo Komizu directs "Entrails of a Virgin", a soft core flick. A group of perverted photographers and easy models wrap up their shoot and head home. They take refuge in an abandoned or under-construction building when a ghastly fog creeps in and makes it impossible to continue. Well they make the best of it by getting drunk and doing the things slimy perverts trapped in an abandoned location do, TOPLESS WRESTLING. Not to mention other acts of debauchery. Enter the "Chubb Monster", a creature with a monster in his pants. All sorts of mayhem ensue: impalings, beheadings, monster rapes and a girl masturbating with a severed arm. You know, your typical day at the office.
This low-grade sleaze fest has quite a reputation but like most films that due, is pretty unwarranted. True there is plenty kinky sex and some OK gore effects but the story is about non-existent (the 'Chubb Demon" appears out of nowhere and spouts such woe-is-me dialogue which I guess makes for interesting pillow-talk in this case but little else.
This low-grade sleaze fest has quite a reputation but like most films that due, is pretty unwarranted. True there is plenty kinky sex and some OK gore effects but the story is about non-existent (the 'Chubb Demon" appears out of nowhere and spouts such woe-is-me dialogue which I guess makes for interesting pillow-talk in this case but little else.
- suspiria10
- Apr 2, 2005
- Permalink
Entrails Of A Virgin begins with fashion photographer Asaoka (Daiki Katô) and his crew on an outdoor shoot; as the lens-man busily snaps away at beautiful model Kei (Megumi Kawashima), the action repeatedly cuts away to show the lucky guy rogering the sexy subject of his work, whilst smothering the cutie in cream and capturing his sexcapades on film. As explicit as a sex scene can be without entering adult territory (optical fogging hides any naughty bits), this is hot stuff indeed and just one of many moments guaranteed to get male viewers hot under the collar.
When thick fog forces the team to seek shelter in a strange old building, the steamy shenanigans continue unabated: assistant Tachikawa (Hideki Takahashi) indulges in a spot of naked wrestling with female colleague Kazuyo (Naomi Hagio), the rough and tumble causing the poor girl to pee herself; Asaoka tries his luck with impossibly cute, virginal, aspiring model Rei (Saeko Kizuki); and agent Itomura gets fruity with Kei who, having been dumped by Asaoka, is looking for more work. Cue oodles of crazy soft-core sex with those adorable Japanese babes whimpering uncontrollably in ecstasy—at least until the appearance of a mud-caked monster with a huge schlong, who proceeds to kill the men and rape the women (before killing them as well!).
From director Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu, the same twisted genius who gave us the amazingly demented Guts of a Beauty, Entrails Of A Virgin is a prime piece of Asian filth chock full of deviancy from start to finish, the balance tipped in favour of the sex rather than the gore perhaps, but with more than enough of both to please most fans of extreme Japsploitation. With death by javelin, disembowelment via the vagina, gallons of assorted bodily fluids, the craziest '69' in the history of film, the funniest 'sex on the stairs' scene in the history of film, the most perverse masturbation scene in the history of film, and a lump hammer to the skull, it doesn't really matter that the plot makes virtually no sense. Enjoy!
When thick fog forces the team to seek shelter in a strange old building, the steamy shenanigans continue unabated: assistant Tachikawa (Hideki Takahashi) indulges in a spot of naked wrestling with female colleague Kazuyo (Naomi Hagio), the rough and tumble causing the poor girl to pee herself; Asaoka tries his luck with impossibly cute, virginal, aspiring model Rei (Saeko Kizuki); and agent Itomura gets fruity with Kei who, having been dumped by Asaoka, is looking for more work. Cue oodles of crazy soft-core sex with those adorable Japanese babes whimpering uncontrollably in ecstasy—at least until the appearance of a mud-caked monster with a huge schlong, who proceeds to kill the men and rape the women (before killing them as well!).
From director Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu, the same twisted genius who gave us the amazingly demented Guts of a Beauty, Entrails Of A Virgin is a prime piece of Asian filth chock full of deviancy from start to finish, the balance tipped in favour of the sex rather than the gore perhaps, but with more than enough of both to please most fans of extreme Japsploitation. With death by javelin, disembowelment via the vagina, gallons of assorted bodily fluids, the craziest '69' in the history of film, the funniest 'sex on the stairs' scene in the history of film, the most perverse masturbation scene in the history of film, and a lump hammer to the skull, it doesn't really matter that the plot makes virtually no sense. Enjoy!
- BA_Harrison
- Dec 17, 2014
- Permalink