A gang of Tenpo Kogyo delinquents led by Gachapin, also known as Kajitani, begins an invasion of the Aitoku area, and Hiroshi is captured and seriously injured. Toru forms an alliance with n... Read allA gang of Tenpo Kogyo delinquents led by Gachapin, also known as Kajitani, begins an invasion of the Aitoku area, and Hiroshi is captured and seriously injured. Toru forms an alliance with nearby schools, including Tachibana Commercial and Kita High School, called the JB Group, a... Read allA gang of Tenpo Kogyo delinquents led by Gachapin, also known as Kajitani, begins an invasion of the Aitoku area, and Hiroshi is captured and seriously injured. Toru forms an alliance with nearby schools, including Tachibana Commercial and Kita High School, called the JB Group, and challenges Tenpo Kogyo to a fight.