Edwin Neal credited as playing...
Dr. Robotnik • President
- Robotnik: [Explaining about the generator with an electric sphere for it acting as a diagram for the planet Freedom] According to my calcuations, if the robot generator isn't stopped by sunrise tomorrow, there will be a giant explosion!
- [Notices that everyone fell asleep when Robotnik was telling everyone about generator - Robotnik gets out a giant pin to pop his electric sphere that represents the planet Freedom]
- [Robotnik pops the sphere and it explodes on himself]
- [Robotnik and Sara emerge from a damaged Metal Robotnik]
- Robotnik: Sonic better enjoy his victory NOW, because, once he gets to Robotropolis, he will have to face something far more evil than Metal Robotnik!
- [Sara lands a double axe handle attack on the back of Robotnik's head, knocking him out]
- Sara: What do you mean, "Worse than Metal Robotnik"? Are you talking about yourself? You'd better keep your hands off my Sonic, or I'll never forgive you!
- Robotnik: [Sonic crashes through Robotnik's ship and bumps his crotch on the bridge] Oh no how is it that you're still alive Sonic?
- [notices Sonic reacting in pain]
- Robotnik: Huh, what's wrong with you, what are you doing?
- Sara: [Metal Sonic crashes through the bottom and looks at Sera who covers her skirt and kicks him repeatedly in the head] Back, back, no, no, no, no, don't look there you pervert!
- [first lines]
- Dr. Robotnik: Finally. The only thing left to be done is to capture the essential life data from your counterpart. Then, you will be complete, my Hyper Metal Sonic! When you awaken, KILL HIM!
- [laughs evilly]