Greg Germann credited as playing...
Vince Holland
- [Waitress spills ice all over the table]
- Waitress: Oh, my, I'm so sorry. Excuse me. Thanks, that's okay.
- Edgar Price: Stop it. You know sweetie, we are what we do in this world, and you're a waitress. All that requires is that you bring the food to and from the table without making a mess. That's it. So when you screw up something as incredibly simple as that, doesn't say a whole hell of a lot about you does it.
- Waitress: I'm sor... I'm sorry.
- Vince Holland: If you gave her a penny for her thoughts, you'd get change.
- Edgar Price: They ought to fire her. I always say a bad hire strengthens the competition's hand. A good general feeds off his enemy.
- Nelson Moss: Actually, Sun Tsu said that last line. In The Art of War.
- Vince Holland: Hey, uh, quick order, uh, one cappuccino to go.
- Rachel, Coffee Shop Waitress: Uh, quick answer, no quick orders.