Mark Ruffalo credited as playing...
- Guy who asks for his $ back: I saw your picture once in filmmaker magazine and I saw your movie.
- Coles: Oh, yeah.
- Guy who asks for his $ back: Yeah, I really didn't like it much.
- Coles: Uh, I'm sorry.
- Guy who asks for his $ back: I was kind of wondering, can I have my money back?
- Coles: Um, you know that ticket you bought, I didn't get any of that money. It all went to the distributor and executive producers. I didn't see a dime.
- Guy who asks for his $ back: But you made it, you're responsible.
- Coles: What was it, eight bucks?
- Guy who asks for his $ back: Nineteen. I took a girl. She didn't like it at all either. She said she thought it was morally reprehensible, especially in its depiction of women.
- Coles: All right, there you go and tell your girlfriend that I said I'm sorry.
- Guy who asks for his $ back: Oh. You know, we broke up