19 reviews
- nicholas.rhodes
- Sep 24, 2007
- Permalink
Ultimately this movie is about parenting...the entire spectrum of parenting. From horrific parents and how they destroy that child's ability to have reasonable relationships and a reasonable life; to well meaning parents who still make every mistake possible...and the new parent fear of knowing they are probably not completely equipped (who is?)and the choices ahead of them.
The actress who plays Kelly (Rachel Blanchard) gave us a person whose parents "didn't do their job". This is the way Harvey Keitel's character assesses his son's pregnant fiancé. We have written her off as a total California, flakey, crunchy granola, weirdo who has unprovoked flare-ups until we discover her completely botched upbringing late in the film. Rachel Blanchard portrays this character in a way for us to understand that Kelly isn't just "a psycho" but someone whose parents should never have been allowed to breed the same struggle she is having with Jeff: Should they terminate this pregnancy or have the baby? Do they love each other? Are they equipped to be parents? This movie isn't a statement on single parenting but on how equipped we are to be parents and how little attention and contemplation this gets prior to giving birth.
The actress who plays Kelly (Rachel Blanchard) gave us a person whose parents "didn't do their job". This is the way Harvey Keitel's character assesses his son's pregnant fiancé. We have written her off as a total California, flakey, crunchy granola, weirdo who has unprovoked flare-ups until we discover her completely botched upbringing late in the film. Rachel Blanchard portrays this character in a way for us to understand that Kelly isn't just "a psycho" but someone whose parents should never have been allowed to breed the same struggle she is having with Jeff: Should they terminate this pregnancy or have the baby? Do they love each other? Are they equipped to be parents? This movie isn't a statement on single parenting but on how equipped we are to be parents and how little attention and contemplation this gets prior to giving birth.
- sometimesagreatnotion
- Jan 9, 2010
- Permalink
There isn't too much in this film that rings true, although first-time director/writer Joel Silverman seems intent on selling this as some sort of reality drama. A young, good-looking kid from the right side of the tracks moves to LA to become a screenwriter and has a quickie affair with a dysfunctional bimbo from the wrong side of the tracks (apparently, he has some sort of weakness for fallen angels...oh yeah!). She ends up pregnant and he ends up with a sad case of paternal instinct (to the utter dismay of his Pop, Mom and the rest of the siblings). It all leads to inane revelations by everyone involved and becomes some sort of modern treatise on the joys of child rearin'. This is a movie that Rosie O'Donnell would surely love! Given the money and the cast, just about any literate, wannabe filmmaker could write and direct a better family drama than this one. Dubiously dumb!
This movie is terrible. It's purpose is to let us know that if you didn't receive the Beaver Cleaver upbringing, then you don't deserve a baby, love, or even acceptance. The family are in fact such closed-minded bigots, I had trouble even finishing this film. I say stay away.
- CipherCode
- Oct 11, 2002
- Permalink
A lot of reviews have been written about this movie called "Nailed". The approval ratings have been varied. I looked it up in Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide and he never bothered to review it. That sent up a red flag immediately. Anyway,I found myself with a morning to kill and discovered this movie on TV while I was channel surfing. So I propped my feet up and decided to watch it. That was one bad mistake. This film is about a family so mixed up they don't know what they are doing. Not only do I not recommend it, I will never ever see it again. It is beyond terrible! I gave it one star approval and I was very generous with that rating. Next time I am in a mood for a really good movie, I will watch "Casablanca" starring Humphrey Bogart. Now that's entertainment!
- fantasticdoug
- Feb 6, 2013
- Permalink
One thing alone makes this almost work, and that's the performance of Rachel Blanchard. With minimal lines or character development, she does an
amazing job of making her character almost three dimensional. Without her
ability, this film could have across as a character assassination of "loose"
women and new age dingbats. As it is, this is not a terrible film but it needed more work in my opinion. The back of the disc says Renfo is "stalked" by a
"psychotic" young woman so Keitel (like in his "cleaner" roles in "Pulp Fiction" or that Bridget Fonda thing?) has to intervene to save his son. Apparently the
publicist or media people either never watched it or had no idea how to market it! The box makes it seem like "Swimfan" or something! Instead it's Lifetime V for men too close to their dads, but Blanchard, who should get better work, holds this together enough to make it watchable. 6/10
amazing job of making her character almost three dimensional. Without her
ability, this film could have across as a character assassination of "loose"
women and new age dingbats. As it is, this is not a terrible film but it needed more work in my opinion. The back of the disc says Renfo is "stalked" by a
"psychotic" young woman so Keitel (like in his "cleaner" roles in "Pulp Fiction" or that Bridget Fonda thing?) has to intervene to save his son. Apparently the
publicist or media people either never watched it or had no idea how to market it! The box makes it seem like "Swimfan" or something! Instead it's Lifetime V for men too close to their dads, but Blanchard, who should get better work, holds this together enough to make it watchable. 6/10
- cheitman23
- Feb 18, 2003
- Permalink
This movie starts slowly but becomes quite engaging. It tackles the difficult question facing many expecting, but unwed couples -- abortion or not. Brad Rowe is excellent as the somewhat free-spirited son of a "traditional" family. Rachel Blanchard is outstanding as the "new age hippie chick" from a very broken home. Harvey Keitel is good as the frustrated father who sees his son in trouble, but can't do anything to help him -- because the son doesn't want his help. As the movie goes on the character development is quite good and I found myself genuinely interested in all of them. The movie is well-written and well-acted. I recommend it.
- fine-nachtsheim
- May 3, 2005
- Permalink
Brad didn't want to join the family clothing business. He ended up struggling as a movie writer in California. So desperate he had to sell his blood, he found an angel named Kelly at the blood bank.
After numerous failed relationships which included sex (and one pregnancy which ended in an abortion), Brad fell for Kelly, and Kelly too found herself pregnant. Brad's father Tony insisted Kelly have an abortion ... or else! I won't say what happens after that. I will just say Brad and Kelly agonize over the decision they have to make, and they go through the ups and downs of a typical relationship. Things are not always good, just like in real life. And maybe things aren't as bad for Brad and his family as it appears at first.
I am pro-choice on the abortion issue, but a movie like this makes me think about what that really means. I don't like to see the act taking place without some serious health threat or at least rape, or maybe a seriously deformed fetus. None of these applied to Kelly's situation. It was disturbing to see Tony take such a casual attitude toward this act--especially since he crossed himself later in the movie. Apaarently he was Catholic. He must have married a Jewish woman, since the family was shown celebrating Easter and Passover. I would say Tony wasn't that good a Catholic.
Rahcel Blanchard would be my main reason for watching this, since I liked her so much in the TV series 'Clueless'. Kelly was so sweet despite her hard life, and while she did lose her temper from time to time, she handled herself well. Harvey Keitel did well as Tony also.
I've seen better movies, but this wasn't too bad.
After numerous failed relationships which included sex (and one pregnancy which ended in an abortion), Brad fell for Kelly, and Kelly too found herself pregnant. Brad's father Tony insisted Kelly have an abortion ... or else! I won't say what happens after that. I will just say Brad and Kelly agonize over the decision they have to make, and they go through the ups and downs of a typical relationship. Things are not always good, just like in real life. And maybe things aren't as bad for Brad and his family as it appears at first.
I am pro-choice on the abortion issue, but a movie like this makes me think about what that really means. I don't like to see the act taking place without some serious health threat or at least rape, or maybe a seriously deformed fetus. None of these applied to Kelly's situation. It was disturbing to see Tony take such a casual attitude toward this act--especially since he crossed himself later in the movie. Apaarently he was Catholic. He must have married a Jewish woman, since the family was shown celebrating Easter and Passover. I would say Tony wasn't that good a Catholic.
Rahcel Blanchard would be my main reason for watching this, since I liked her so much in the TV series 'Clueless'. Kelly was so sweet despite her hard life, and while she did lose her temper from time to time, she handled herself well. Harvey Keitel did well as Tony also.
I've seen better movies, but this wasn't too bad.
- vchimpanzee
- Jan 12, 2005
- Permalink
I just watched this movie (12 years after its release) because I am focusing on Harvey Keitel and his performances throughout his career. I believe it is his best.
I agree that Brad Rowe's character was underdeveloped; I couldn't understand his motivation (or lack of) for any of his life-choices. Regardless... the movie was about dysfunction, and I can't believe none of the other reviewers commented on that. I hit me square in the face.
Yes, the main character assigned the title "dysfunction" in this movie has emotional issues. That is clear. But, what kind of father rants and raves when his grown son doesn't act according to his own plans for that son? What kind of father promises love and devotion, then takes it away, then gives it back again, then takes it away again, then gives it back again?
What kind of father yells and calls his grown son names, flies across the country and shows up unannounced to visit his son and "inspect" his future daughter-in-law under the pretension of wanting to "get to know her"... without letting his wife know he has gone until he returns at the end of the day? What kind of father (or family) belittles a potential new addition to their family before meeting her, then makes judgments and issues condemnations of that person because she doesn't behave according to their own expectations?
A dysfunctional, tyrannical, paranoid, self-absorbed father (and family)... that is who!
There is no better way to make a person feel like an outsider than to whisper negative and snide comments about them behind their back. I don't blame Rachael Blanchard's character for flinching when her potential mother-in-law reaches out to touch her; she's not sure she's in "safe" territory.
And, her adult fiancé is unable defend his position against his family's pressures and emotional manipulation. He's absolutely ineffective. I was sad about her poor decision to leave her child with such a family.
This movie is not about "how to be a father"... it is about how NOT to be father! That no one else picks up on this is what's wrong with society today.
Again... Harvey Keitels performance was his best. He made me hate his character, and glad I am not part of a family like his!
I agree that Brad Rowe's character was underdeveloped; I couldn't understand his motivation (or lack of) for any of his life-choices. Regardless... the movie was about dysfunction, and I can't believe none of the other reviewers commented on that. I hit me square in the face.
Yes, the main character assigned the title "dysfunction" in this movie has emotional issues. That is clear. But, what kind of father rants and raves when his grown son doesn't act according to his own plans for that son? What kind of father promises love and devotion, then takes it away, then gives it back again, then takes it away again, then gives it back again?
What kind of father yells and calls his grown son names, flies across the country and shows up unannounced to visit his son and "inspect" his future daughter-in-law under the pretension of wanting to "get to know her"... without letting his wife know he has gone until he returns at the end of the day? What kind of father (or family) belittles a potential new addition to their family before meeting her, then makes judgments and issues condemnations of that person because she doesn't behave according to their own expectations?
A dysfunctional, tyrannical, paranoid, self-absorbed father (and family)... that is who!
There is no better way to make a person feel like an outsider than to whisper negative and snide comments about them behind their back. I don't blame Rachael Blanchard's character for flinching when her potential mother-in-law reaches out to touch her; she's not sure she's in "safe" territory.
And, her adult fiancé is unable defend his position against his family's pressures and emotional manipulation. He's absolutely ineffective. I was sad about her poor decision to leave her child with such a family.
This movie is not about "how to be a father"... it is about how NOT to be father! That no one else picks up on this is what's wrong with society today.
Again... Harvey Keitels performance was his best. He made me hate his character, and glad I am not part of a family like his!
- rlmme-809-632672
- Oct 4, 2013
- Permalink
I was able to see this movie at the L.A. Film festival on 4-22-01. This was a very moving story that left many in the audience with tears. I heard this young writer say that this was the first movie that he directed. He did a great job and I look forward to seeoing many more works by this fine young writer. The producers of this movie really did a great job, in choosing the director and keeping the flow of the film. the actor that played the young father was fantastic. I also liked the young black girl that was on the beach, she made a sad few lines seem so real.
Okay . . it is about this . . stable home . . raises boy who wishes to do the "right thing" by the flake he hooks up with . .and gets pregnant. Parents of boy adore their offspring and only wish to see their values passed on . .AND, they are . .only not, exactly, as they wish they had been. Does Harvey Keitel do a bad film? No. Mary Kay Place???? No. So, if you are under 30 you will say, "you go boy" and if you are over 40, you will say, "values, values values . .always find someone with YOUR values" WATCH THIS FILM!!!!!!!!
I have no idea whatsoever why but I actually liked the film- not at all how it's described on the box. Brad Rowe plays the son of Harvey Keitel, an Italian-American success story and mom Mary Kay Place, a typical Jewish mother. The lead girl in the film I had seen on recent episodes of "Seventh Heaven". But this movie explores areas of life that just aren't explored in too many films, if any. That is the need for a man to become a father. All the time in films it is explored the need for women to become mothers, but the men are treated as if fatherhood is not for them. Myself, I personally have no wish to ever become a dad, but that's not to say there aren't women who have no desire to ever become a mother. But this was certainly an interesting film with an interesting concept. Well done.
- thomasjane
- Apr 29, 2004
- Permalink
Nailed is an interesting deviation from most films in that it takes the perspective of a young, single father trying to deal with an unstable significant other. Director Silverman has done a fine job (especially considering that he is a first-time director) of relaying the feelings of love and anguish that a young single father goes through. I would recommend this film for all.
Tony Romano is a great father. Harvey Keitel is a great actor. The movie is about being a father. A real father. I would change the name the movie to : ""How to be a father".
Mary Kay Place does a great job as a Jewish mother. Italians and Jews make a great family.Rachel Blanchard plays very well her role. Romano (Keitel)teaches us how to love. When we had the "Clintons" at the First Family.. Something is wrong us.
Do you want to be a great father?
Watch this movie.
Romano's Laws :
Look at your children and call out their best.
There is nothing so powerful as a father's kiss.
Laugh with your son.
Mary Kay Place does a great job as a Jewish mother. Italians and Jews make a great family.Rachel Blanchard plays very well her role. Romano (Keitel)teaches us how to love. When we had the "Clintons" at the First Family.. Something is wrong us.
Do you want to be a great father?
Watch this movie.
Romano's Laws :
Look at your children and call out their best.
There is nothing so powerful as a father's kiss.
Laugh with your son.
I think this movie is ingenious. OK, some parts are a bit stupid and pretentious but nevertheless it is still a great movie with strong message. I grew up in a very dysfunctional family and I can really relate to this guy because he reminds me of my father who also made a bad decision when he married my mother. This movie is a real life story, maybe a bit too romantically told but worth watching and learning. I especially love the end when Kelly gives her child. This isn't too realistic but women that are similar to Kelly might find it educational.
What else to say? Great job, Joel Silverman!
What else to say? Great job, Joel Silverman!