Bill Pullman credited as playing...
Deputy Marshal Conor Gallagher
- Conor Gallagher: [referring to the front door] Really? Was it open?
- Faith Mattis: I knocked like three times.
- Conor Gallagher: I didn't think I'd left it open.
- Faith Mattis: I'm sorry. The washing machine guy let me in.
- Conor Gallagher: Well, the washing machine guy had no business doing that.
- Repairman: Hey, machine's been shot.
- Conor Gallagher: Why do you think you're here - to answer the door?
- Repairman: Shooting's not covered by the warranty, sir.
- Conor Gallagher: Ma'am, why are you telling me all this?
- Faith Mattis: Partly because it irritates you and I enjoy that.
- Conor Gallagher: Oh, great.
- Faith Mattis: But, mostly because I trust you.
- Faith Mattis: Justin, who exactly is this?
- Justin: Your bodyguard, ma'am.
- Conor Gallagher: Deputy Conor Gallagher, U.S. Marshal Service.
- Faith Mattis: Nice to meet you Deputy, sorry about the waste of trip.
- Faith Mattis: [looks at Justin] Have somebody see the deputy out and make sure he gets parking validation. I'll be in my office.
- Faith Mattis: [after she sees her car being towed] Hey... HEY!
- [to Conor]
- Faith Mattis: That was my car!
- Conor Gallagher: I know ma'am, from now on you're riding with me.
- Faith Mattis: You had my car towed?
- Conor Gallagher: Yell at me on the way.
- Conor Gallagher: You're driving a little fast. Ma'am, I still don't understand why you're pissed off at me. I let you drive didn't I?
- Faith Mattis: It's not up to you to let me do anything. I made it clear I didn't want a bodyguard.
- Conor Gallagher: You're going to have to take that up with my superiors, for now you are my responsibility, so slow down.
- Faith Mattis: You're doing it again!
- Conor Gallagher: What the hell is your problem! I mean... you're a piece of work.