Sat, Aug 17, 2002
T'was the night before the final battle, and many creatures are stirring! Yugi vows to overthrow Pegasus for the sake of his Grandpa. Tristan leads an exploration party to uncover Pegasus's secrets. While Joey sleeps, Bandit Keith steals from him the card that permits his entry in the final battle!
Sat, Sep 14, 2002
With his pride in his strength as a duelist on the line, Joey challenges Yugi for the right to face Pegasus. In a battle between friends, a fierce match ensues between the two people who know each other's strategies and cards as they struggle to keep their thoughts of past loyalties at the back of their minds.
Sat, Sep 14, 2002
Yugi is shocked as Joey uses the Time Wizard card on him. It's the very same card Yugi gave Joey as a sign of friendship! However, as the two battle each other valiantly and one comes out the victor, they find confirmation of the strength of their friendship that surpasses any duel.
Sat, Oct 5, 2002
Pegasus summons Relinquished, a fearsome monster that can consume Yugi's Duel Monsters! Yugi counters with... Kuriboh? The smallest, weakest creature in the game? Has Yugi given up, or does he have one last strategy to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat? The Shadow Game comes to a close!
Sat, Oct 26, 2002
Yugi and friends rescue Kaiba, but they are still stuck in the game! The only exit is past a Five-Headed Dragon, but in the difficult duel, Joey, Mokuba, and Mai lose all their life points! Can Yugi and Kaiba, two former opponents, work together and face the biggest enemy of their lives?
Sat, Nov 2, 2002
A new student, Duke Devlin, defeats Joey in a game of Duel Monsters, forcing Joey to become his servant. Duke orders Joey to wear a dog costume and humiliates him in public, leading Yugi to challenge Duke to a duel. However, this will not be a Duel Monsters duel but a new game named Dungeon Dice Monsters.
Sat, Nov 2, 2002
In exchange for Joey's freedom, Yugi agrees to give up Duel Monsters forever if he loses. Unfamiliar with the rules, Yugi gets off to a rough start. His chances do not improve as Duke reveals that he designed Dungeon Dice Monters with Pegasus's aid! Can Yugi learn the new complex rules, much less form a strategy, before he is soundly defeated?