- Burglar: I got something you'll get a kick out of...
- [pulls a gun out of his satchel]
- Vance Keefer: Oh yeah? Oh, wow! That-that's beautiful. Can I see it?
- Burglar: Sure.
- [hands him the gun]
- Burglar: That's the old thirty-eight.
- Vance Keefer: Yeah.
- Burglar: You know anything about them?
- Vance Keefer: Oh yeah, yeah - police special; boom! That's ah, well they were made in nineteen thirty-eight.
- Burglar: It means thirty-eight caliber.
- Vance Keefer: That's ah, that's very nice. Nothing like an old-fashioned gun.
- [hands in back]
- Burglar: Nothing like an old-fashioned stick up.
- Vance Keefer: What?
- Burglar: Get your hands up!
- Vance Keefer: Wait, wait, wait, hold it! Andy!
- Burglar: Where's the money?
- Vance Keefer: Listen, for your own good, I'm warning you: Andy here is a robot; he-he-he's incredibly strong. You-you can't even hurt him! He-he's bullit proof.
- Andy, the Robot: No I'm not.
- Vance Keefer: Now-now I'm warning you, I'm warning you, mister: he's quick, he-he's fast, he's brutal, he-he'll be on your in a second. Take him, Andy.
- [snaps his fingers]
- Andy, the Robot: But, take him where?
- [turning around after being shoved at the burglar]
- Vance Keefer: Do something!
- Andy, the Robot: Right! Ehhh, excuse me.
- [leaves to the back]
- Burglar: Sure.
- Vance Keefer: Ah, Andy, Andy, wha-what are you doing?
- Andy, the Robot: Here's the money, mister.
- [handing him all the store's money]
- Burglar: Is there anymore?
- Vance Keefer: No!
- Andy, the Robot: But what about the money in thee back, Vance? I get it. Excuse me.
- [leaves again for the rest of the money]
- Joe Burkus: You know, your place makes me feel so much at home, you know? Mr Jenny, she did our whole house over; almost looked like this, you know. Just six months before... um... the iceman commeth.
- [speaking of her being cryogenically frozen in the past]
- Elaine Keefer: What happened to your wife? Was she frozen to?
- Joe Burkus: Oh, yeah, yeah, sure, sure, she was frozen too, I looked it up in the hall of records. Yeah. She's still frozen. Laid out there like... a big popsicle. Oy, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny.
- Elaine Keefer: You miss her, huh?
- Joe Burkus: My dear, I only have one fear in the whole world: that they'll find a cure for Jenny and bring her back.
- Elaine Keefer: Oh, Earl, why don't you show Mr. Burkus into the leizure room; it's just about time for Lucy.
- Joe Burkus: Lucy? They're still re-running Lucy?
- Earl: They never stopped; she's quite popular with you dead people.