- Danny: Ten oughta do it, don't you think?
- Rusty: [Stares away in silence]
- Danny: You think we need one more?
- Rusty: [remains silent with his head leaning on top of his folded arms while hunched over on the bar]
- Danny: You think we need one more.
- Rusty: [remains silent]
- Danny: All right, we'll get one more.
- Rusty: [Blinks]
- [last minute tips to Linus]
- Rusty: You look down, they know you're lying and up, they know you don't know the truth. Don't use seven words when four will do. Don't shift your weight, look always at your mark but don't stare, be specific but not memorable, be funny but don't make him laugh. He's got to like you then forget you the moment you've left his side. And for God's sake, whatever you do, don't, under any circumstances...
- Livingston: [from another room] Rus?
- Rusty: Yeah?
- Livingston: Come look at this?
- Rusty: Sure.
- Rusty: I need the reason. Don't say money. Why do this?
- Danny: Why not do it?
- [Rusty shakes his head]
- Danny: Because yesterday I walked out of the joint after losing four years of my life and you're cold-decking "Teen Beat" cover boys.
- [pause]
- Danny: Because the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes, the house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet big, and then you take the house.
- [another pause]
- Rusty: Been practicing that speech, haven't you?
- Danny: Little bit. Did I rush it? Felt like I rushed it.
- Rusty: No, it was good, I liked it. "Teen Beat" thing was harsh.
- Turk Malloy: [intentionally arguing to each other extend the time needed for their balloons to block the security camera's view] Watch it, bud.
- Virgil Malloy: Who you calling bud, pal?
- Turk Malloy: Who you calling pal, friend?
- Virgil Malloy: Who you calling friend, jackass?
- Turk Malloy: Don't call me a jackass.
- Virgil Malloy: I just did call you a jackass.
- Virgil Malloy: [playing 20 questions as they wait for Danny, Yen and Basher to steal the pinch] Are you a man?
- Turk Malloy: Yes, nineteen.
- Virgil Malloy: Are you alive?
- Turk Malloy: Yes, eighteen.
- Virgil Malloy: Evel Knievel.
- Turk Malloy: ...shit.
- Saul: I have a question, say we get into the cage, and through the security doors there and down the elevator we can't move, and past the guards with the guns, and into the vault we can't open...
- Rusty: Without being seen by the cameras.
- Danny: Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot to mention that.
- Saul: Yeah well, say we do all that... uh... we're just supposed to walk out of there with $150,000,000 in cash on us, without getting stopped?
- [pause as everyone turns to look at Danny]
- Danny: Yeah.
- Saul: [nervously] Oh. Okay.
- Rusty: [in an empty office after business hours] You'd need at least a dozen guys doing a combination of cons.
- Danny: Like what, do you think?
- Rusty: Off the top of my head, I'd say you're looking at a Boeski, a Jim Brown, a Miss Daisy, two Jethros and a Leon Spinks, not to mention the biggest Ella Fitzgerald ever.
- Turk Malloy: [impatiently waiting in his truck to race against Virgil] I'm gonna get out of the car and I'm gonna drop you like third-period French.
- Tess: [talking privately over dinner while Tess is waiting for Terry] You're a thief and a liar.
- Danny: I only lied about being a thief, I don't do that anymore.
- Tess: Steal?
- Danny: Lie.
- Tess: [referring to Terry] I'm with someone who doesn't have to make that kind of distinction.
- Danny: [sarcastically, referring to Terry] No, he's very clear on both.
- Rusty: [upset after having realizing Danny lied to him] Tell me this is not about her, or I am walking. I am walking off this job right now.
- Danny: Who?
- Rusty: Tess. Terry Benedict. Tell me this is not about screwing the guy who's screwing your wife.
- Danny: Ex-wife.
- Rusty: Tell me.
- Danny: It's not about that.
- [pause]
- Danny: It's not entirely about that.
- [Rusty turns away, furious]
- Danny: Russ, do you remember what we said back when we first got into this business. We said we were gonna play the game...
- Rusty, Danny: Like we had nothing to lose.
- Danny: Well, I lost something... I lost someone. That's why I'm here.
- [long pause]
- Rusty: Okay, here's the problem. We're stealing two things. And when push comes to shove, and you can't have both, which are you gonna choose? And remember - Tess does not split eleven ways!
- Reuben: [to Rusty and Danny present during lunch at Ruben's home] You guys are pros. The best. I'm sure you can make it out of the casino. Of course, lest we forget, once you're out the front door, you're still in the middle of the fucking desert!
- Reuben: [as Danny and Rusty are leaving Reuben's house after lunch] Give Dominic your addresses, I got some remaindered furniture I want to send you. Look, just out of curiosity, which three casinos did you geniuses decide to rob?
- Rusty: The Bellagio...
- Danny: The Bellagio, the Mirage, and the MGM Grand.
- Reuben: [drops his fork] Those are Terry Benedict's casinos.
- Danny: Is that right?
- Rusty: That's right.
- Reuben: You guys, what do you got against Terry Benedict?
- Rusty: What do you have against him, that's the question?
- Reuben: He torpedoed my casino, muscled me out. Now he's gonna blow it up next week to make way for some gaudy monstrosity. Don't think I don't know what you're doing.
- Rusty: What are we doing, Reuben?
- Reuben: If you're gonna steal from Terry Benedict, you'd better goddamn *know*. This sort of thing used to be civilized. You'd hit a guy, he'd whack you, done. But with Benedict... at the end of this, he'd *better* not know you're involved, not know your names or think you're dead, because he'll kill ya, and *then* he'll go to work on ya.
- Danny: That's why we're going to have to be very careful. Very precise.
- Rusty: Mmm, well-funded.
- Reuben: Yeah. Ya gotta be *nuts*, too. And you're gonna need a crew as *nuts* as you are!
- [pause]
- Reuben: So who've you got in mind?
- Reuben: [seeing the entire gang show up at his door all at once] What? Did you guys get a group rate or something?
- Terry: [to Rusty over the phone] All right, you proved your point. You broke into my vault. Congratulations, you're a dead man.
- [masquerading as an A.T.F. agent, Rusty shoves Basher against a police car, pretending to search him]
- Rusty: [under his breath] Hey, Bash.
- Basher: Hey, Russ.
- Rusty: How fast can you put something together from what I just slipped you?
- Basher: It's done.
- [Rusty lifts up Basher, and they slowly leave the crime scene]
- Basher: Hey, is Danny about?
- Rusty: Yeah, he's waiting around the corner.
- Basher: Oh, that's terrific! It will be nice working with proper villains again.
- Rusty: [turns and shouts] Everybody down, now!
- [they break into a run as explosions rock the crime scene]
- Basher: Ha-ha-ha! They weren't expecting that shit!
- Rusty: Nice work.
- Basher: Oh, thank you.
- Parole Board Member #1: Mr Ocean, the purpose of this hearing is to determine, whether, if released, you are likely to break the law again. While this was your first conviction, you have been implicated, though never charged, in over a dozen other confidence tricks and frauds. What can you tell us about those?
- Danny: [sitting alone directly in front of the parole board] As you say, ma'am, I was never charged.
- Parole Board Member #2: Mr Ocean, what we're trying to find out is was there a reason you chose to commit this crime, or was there a reason you simply got caught this time.
- Danny: [sitting alone directly in front of the parole board] My wife left me. I was upset. I fell into a self-destructive pattern.
- Parole Board Member #3: If released, is it likely you'd fall back into a similar pattern?
- Danny: [politely but sarcastically] She already left me once. I don't think she'd do it again just for kicks.
- Saul: [watching Danny, Linus, and Yen load the money from the vault] That is the sexiest thing I have ever seen!
- [his only line in English]
- Yen: [angrily because he was stuck inside the vault longer than expected] Where the fuck you been?
- Danny: [talking privately over dinner while Tess is waiting for Terry] Tess, you're doing a great job curating the museum, the Vermeer is quite good, simple, vibrant, but his work definitely fell off as he got older.
- Tess: [implying Danny has similarities with Vermeer] Remind you of anyone?
- Danny: And I always confuse Monet and Manet. Now which one married his mistress?
- Tess: Monet.
- Danny: Right, and then Manet had syphilis.
- Tess: [sarcastically] They also painted occasionally.
- Saul: [at the race track] I saw you at the paddock... before the second race, outside the men's room when I placed my bet. I saw you before you even got up this morning.
- Rusty: How you been, Saul?
- Saul: Never better.
- Rusty: What's with the orange?
- Saul: My doctor says I need vitamins.
- Rusty: So why don't you take vitamins?
- Saul: You come here to give me a physical?
- Tess: [was talking privately over dinner with Danny until Terry finally shows up] Danny was walking through the restaurant when he spotted me.
- Terry: Is that right?
- Danny: Yeah, imagine the odds.
- Terry: [sarcastically, partially quoting one of Rick's line's from Casablanca] Of all the gin joints in all the world.
- Linus: [Yen's cast is caught in vault door; unaware that Yen is trapped, Danny and Linus try to blow the door but the bomb doesn't go off] Did you check the batteries?
- [pause]
- Linus: You know, you lose focus in this game for one second...
- Danny: I know, somebody gets hurt. You don't hear Yen complaining.
- [they replace the batteries and the door explodes]
- [watching Yen prepares to somersault onto the vault]
- Turk Malloy: Ten says he shorts it.
- Frank, Livingston, Saul: Twenty!
- Topher Grace: [while walking through the hallways of a club] Hey, Rus, let me ask you a question. Are you incorporated? Well, if not, you should really think about it, 'cause I was talking to my manager...
- Rusty: Bernie?
- Topher Grace: No, not Bernie, my business manager. You know what? They're both named Bernie. Anyway, he was saying that because what we do here is kind of like research for a future, like, gig or whatever, I can totally make it a tax write-off. The only thing is I'd have to pay you by check.
- [Rusty stops and looks at him]
- Topher Grace: Or we could stick to cash.
- [Rusty nods]
- Topher Grace: You know what? Yeah, let's just stick to cash.
- [Shaking Billy Tim Denham's hand at Denham's car dealership]
- Frank: You have lovely hands. Do you moisturize?
- Billy Tim Denham: I'm sorry?
- Frank: [as he slowly crushes Denham's hand in his grip] You know, I've tried all sorts of moisturizers. I even went fragrance-free for a whole year. Now my sister, she uses some kind of uh... uh... uh... uh... aloe vera with a little sunscreen in it, and ideally, we should all wear gloves when going to bed, but I found out that that creates a kind of an interference with my... "social agenda", you know what I mean.
- Linus: [to Terry, trying to follow Rusty's advice of being funny and not enough to make him laugh] Apparently, he's got a record longer than my... well, it's long.