- Snow White: What does that mean? Beautiful. I hate that. Beautiful. Do a person's outsides have anything to do with them being kind or... or considerate, or careful towards others? No. Or gentle or generous? No. Or loving or giving or just or wise.
- Queen Elspeth: [Still in guise of Josephine after poisoning Snow White] Mirror mirror in my hand, *now* who's the fairest in the land?
- [Image of Josephine's face emerges from mirror and replies "I am, I am, I'm the fairest in the land."]
- Queen Elspeth: Yes, yes, of course you are, well, of course you'd be. But not for long, you poor, dear, dead little wifey.
- Sunday: Monday's child is fair of face.
- [Monday bows]
- Sunday: Tuesday's child is full of grace.
- Tuesday: Tuesday.
- [waves]
- Sunday: Wednesday's child is full of woe.
- Sunday: Thursday's child has far to go.
- Thursday: Thursday.
- [waves]
- Friday: I'm Friday.
- Sunday: Friday's child is kind and giving.
- Saturday: And Saturday's child...
- Sunday: Works hard for a living.
- Saturday: But the child that is born on the Sabbath Day,
- Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: Is fair and wise and good and gay.
- Snow White: I was born on a Sunday.
- Snow White: [holding a rabbit, turns to see Hector about to kill her with a dagger] Why?
- Hector: The Queen's ordered me to, but I can't... I can't. She wants your heart, she'll have your heart.
- [Snow White runs away into the woods]
- Hector: Run, beautiful girl, run! You gotta run Snow White... Run!