Preity G Zinta credited as playing...
- Madhubala: [to Asha] When I was a little girl, my mother used to tell me a story of a princess. And how, one day a handsome prince would come riding on a horse and take her away to be his bride. As I grew up, lots of Princes came. Not on horses, but in big white cars.
- [crying]
- Madhubala: But no one came to make me his bride. They all came to buy me.
- Madhubala: [clutching her stomach] No! I won't give you my child. This is my kid, I'm it's mother, not you. I won't give it to you!
- Priya Malhotra: [crying] Madhu, don't do this! You promised me this child. YOu're blessed, you can become a mother again. I can't even have children anymore
- Madhubala: Fine. You wan't my child, you can have it. Will you give me your husband?
- Priya Malhotra: [slaps Madhu] So you show your true colours at last! A prostitiute can never change! I thought otherwise, I thought that a whore could have a heart, but you turned out to be exactly what a whore is! You're asking me to trade you my husband?
- Priya Malhotra: Oh, I see! So it's not okay for me to ask for your husband, but you have the right to ask a mother for her child?