I haven't liked the films of Matt Cimber, but Vinegar Syndrome's DVD issue of his early white-coater "The Sensually Liberated Female" is a happy exception. After 45 years it is still arousing and interesting, with surprisingly informative commentary.
Sexy Lindis Guinness, who also fronted for a poor white-coater specimen titled "101 Acts of Love" narrates usefully, giving quite useful information as film based on a best- selling self-help book attempts to instruct women on achieving orgasm and some sort of '70s sexual parity with men. She appears at beginning and a couple of other times on screen, looking mighty sexy.
But the content is strictly MOS documentary style porn with a large variety of women, some quite attractive, many wearing very fake platinum blonde wigs, doing both soft-core and hardcore sex for a starving cinema audience. I give Cimber high marks for delivering the goods, while his other XXX films and those of the competition circa 1970 are usually bait & switch exercises that dole out penetration shots only occasionally.
In an interview included as bonus on the DVD Cimber stresses his tongue-in-cheek approach, but again I was surprised at how the film plays it straight 99% of the time. Sure, there are risible moments, such as a couple humping (soft-core) in the back of an open truck/van, plus the rather ridiculous sequence of trying various vegetables as masturbation dildos (no sillier than a number of Joe Sarno movies on that subject) but most scenes are prurient in a good sense - designed to get a male viewer up or to give quality suggestions to the female audience.
Later in the film the great early husband/wife porn team of Pete Dawson and wife Jan Davis (always wearing a crummy wig) hump for real and even demonstrate anal sex explicitly, which is a rarity for the time and not usually a feature of white coaters. I had just watched them in an incest picture made later ("Brother/Sister") so they were easy to spot amidst an anonymous cast.