This is the worst film I have seen in a very, very long time. Perhaps EVER. As an independent filmmaker (currently at work on my first major feature length movie, CONQUEST OF AREA 52), I know how hard it is to make movies with little to spend. But I was making better movies as a Sophomore in high school with $50 in my wallet as a budget than this pathetic excuse for a "movie." I'm not sure if I have ever seen a movie shot this poorly or with such little ambition, creativity, or craft. It looks like it was shot on Hi-8 Video (I shoot in DV and would be shocked if this was actually DV), and to no good effect. The "props" and "mask" in the film look very familiar... like I just saw them at my local Spencer's. The script lacks wit, and the performances do nothing to help it. And did I mention this has got to be the WORST camerawork I have ever seen (with the exception of BLAIR WITCH, which was SUPPOSED to look the way it did, and my family's home movies)?! There is no sense of logic or craft to how it was shot, whoever was at the helm must have been asleep at the wheel or he really just did not care what it looked like. There is no indication in this film that the cameraman had any idea what words like "framing" or "composition" meant.
The fact that our serial killer Quiltface is able to stand 20 feet from several people in the middle of the open desert and not be seen does NOT work in any fashion- camp nor horror- and best explains the rest of the movie.
I'm sorry, makers of "Carnage Road" (or "Carnage: The Legend of Quiltface" as the video cover says), but if you ever go out and try to make a movie again, please, PLLLEEEEASE do it with a little care, if not TALENT.
At least Ed Wood could have made this fun to watch.