Ralph Fiennes credited as playing...
Christopher Marshall
- Jerry Siegel: What press are you affiliated with?
- Ty Ventura: I'm 10.
- Jerry Siegel: What about your parents, are they Democrat or Republican?
- Ty Ventura: What's the difference these days?
- Christopher Marshall: I love this kid.
- Jerry Siegel: Well, what's not to love.
- Marisa Ventura: Look, you have to listen to me, I know you're used to getting your way.
- Christopher Marshall: Yeah, until I met you.
- Marisa Ventura: There's millions of women who are just dying for you to look their way.
- Christopher Marshall: [laughing] Yeah? Then why are you making me work so hard?
- Christopher Marshall: Look, can we start over? Second chance, second date? You are you, me as me. No secrets. What do you think?
- Marisa Ventura: Marisa Ventura. Housekeeping.
- Christopher Marshall: Chris Marshall. Candidate for Senate. I'd appreciate your vote.
- Marisa Ventura: We'll see.
- Marisa Ventura: The first time you saw me, I was cleaning your bathroom floor! Only you didn't see me.
- Christopher Marshall: What was I supposed to do, introduce myself while I'm taking a leak?
- [Running after Marisa when she leaves a benefit early]
- Christopher Marshall: Caroline. Caroline. Caroline. Do you have somewhere else you have to be?
- Marisa Ventura: No, I just have to leave.
- Christopher Marshall: Well, I don't think you're leaving. I think you're running. And what I can't figure out is, are you running towards something you want? Or are you running away from something you're afraid to want?
- Marisa Ventura: Look, I've made so many mistakes already. I just don't want to make it worse.
- Christopher Marshall: You won't. I promise.
- Marisa Ventura: There's something you don't know, okay? Oh, God. How do I tell you this? Look, the first time that you saw me I was...
- Christopher Marshall: You were mesmerizing.
- [meeting Marisa's son, Ty]
- Christopher Marshall: I'm Chris.
- Jerry Siegel: I'm bald and no one in particular.
- Ty Ventura: I know who you are.
- Christopher Marshall: Yeah? What do you know?
- Ty Ventura: I know that you're the state assemblyman. I know that you're thinking of running for Senator. I know your voting record and your consistent stand on environmental causes.
- Christopher Marshall: You're beautiful.
- Marisa Ventura: So are you.
- Christopher Marshall: Thank you for being here.
- Marisa Ventura: I only came to tell you that this, you and me, can't go anywhere beyond this evening. It just can't.
- Christopher Marshall: Well, then, you should have worn a different dress.
- Marisa Ventura: There was a part of me that wanted to know what it felt like, to have someone like you look at me the way you did just once. And I'm sorry. Truly. If I could rewind the past week, I would.
- Christopher Marshall: Was any of it real?
- Marisa Ventura: Yeah, it was real. It was so real I wondered how I was ever gunna give you up. But I had to give you up. That was the plan. And then, last night, I couldn't.
- Jerry Siegel: Who the hell is she?
- Christopher Marshall: I'll tell you who she isn't. She isn't like anyone I've ever met before. And she isn't a phony. I'll make you a deal, wonder man. You want me at the benefit tomorrow night? Then get her to go, and I swear to God, I'll shake any part of Maddox's body you want me to. Deal?
- Jerry Siegel: Deal. All right. Sure. Okay.
- Christopher Marshall: Do I look as stupid as you think I am?
- Jerry Siegel: No. No, I mean, you're not stupid. What, what are you talking about?
- Caroline Lane: Oh, Chris, I'm terribly sorry to interrupt your busy morning, but we thought you should know what was going on as soon as possible.
- Christopher Marshall: What is going on?
- Caroline Lane: The woman you thought was a guest on this floor is the maid on this floor. Aren't you, Marisa?
- Christopher Marshall: No. Wait, her name is Caroline.
- Caroline Lane: No, Chris, darling, that's my name. She steals clothes, identities...
- Christopher Marshall: What the hell's happening here? Why are you dressed that way? Caroline?
- [looks at her maid attire]
- Christopher Marshall: Is this true?
- [pause]
- Marisa Ventura: Yeah, it is.
- Jerry Siegel: Jesus Christ! The press is gonna have a field day with this one.
- John Bextrum: There's no reason to involve the press.
- Jerry Siegel: How are you going to prevent her from speaking?
- Caroline Lane: This would never happen at the Four Seasons.
- John Bextrum: And I can assure you it has never happened here before either. Lionel, you are slipping. You should have noticed something. I am disappointed.
- Marisa Ventura: Please, Mr. Bextrum, he had nothing to do with this.
- Lionel Bloch: Of course, sir. I understand.
- John Bextrum: We'll talk about this later. Miss Ventura, you no longer work here. Please go to security, hand in your passes and your ID, and you'll be escorted from the building.
- Marisa Ventura: Yes, sir.
- Christopher Marshall: Is that really necessary?
- Jerry Siegel: Chris, let the man do his job, okay?
- Christopher Marshall: [reading about himself in the paper] "Sentimental favorite and playboy politico, Assemblyman Chris Marshall"... guess you missed a few words there, Jerry.
- Christopher Marshall: Where are you going?
- Jerry Siegel: That depends. Where are you going?
- Christopher Marshall: Bathroom. Alone.
- Jerry Siegel: Yeah. Fine. Go. Great. Yeah. Sure.
- Christopher Marshall: Thank you.
- Jerry Siegel: Call me if you need anything.
- Christopher Marshall: He's friendly. His name's Rufas. So what are you listening to?
- Ty Ventura: "The Best of Bread".
- Christopher Marshall: "The Best of Bread"? Interesting. What's your name?
- Ty Ventura: Ty.
- Christopher Marshall: Nice to meet you, Ty.
- Stephanie Kehoe: Hi, honey.
- [to Marisa]
- Stephanie Kehoe: It's Ty! What are you doing up here?
- Ty Ventura: Where's Mom?
- Stephanie Kehoe: [seeing Chris walking in] It's for you, ma'am.
- Marisa Ventura: What are you talking about? Ty, don't you...?
- Ty Ventura: Hey, Ma, this is Chris. He's got a giant, grey dog named Rufas. And if you say okay, I'm gonna walk with him, okay?
- Christopher Marshall: Hello.
- Marisa Ventura: Hi.
- Ty Ventura: Let's not forget. I'm a kid and I need fresh air. Please, can I go, Mom? Please? Please?
- Christopher Marshall: I'm Chris Marshall.
- Stephanie Kehoe: Caroline... you want your coat?
- Marisa Ventura: What?
- Stephanie Kehoe: The weather can be so tricky here. Weren't you just saying, what a beautiful day it was?
- Christopher Marshall: Oh, you're going out?
- Stephanie Kehoe: Weren't you saying how you wanted to stretch your legs?
- Christopher Marshall: Well, if your husband wouldn't mind...
- Ty Ventura: She doesn't have a husband.
- Marisa Ventura: I don't have a husband.
- Christopher Marshall: Well, I insist, then. Come with us, if you're free.
- Ty Ventura: Yeah. Come on, Mom.
- Christopher Marshall: How long are you in town for?
- Marisa Ventura: I'm not sure.
- Christopher Marshall: You always stay at the Beresford?
- Marisa Ventura: Sometimes, I feel like I live there.
- Marisa Ventura: Monday? I'm busy, sorry.
- Christopher Marshall: You're busy you can't? What? Can you change it?
- Marisa Ventura: It's complicated. Which reminds me, I gotta get out of here. Come on, Ty. We gotta go.
- Christopher Marshall: She's about five-six, dark hair, really beautiful, has a kid named Ty. What the hell happened?
- Lionel Bloch: I'm sorry, Sir.
- Christopher Marshall: Don't be sorry. Just find her.
- Caroline Lane: Oh, Chris, I loved your quote in "The Times".
- Christopher Marshall: Please!
- Caroline Lane: Oh, Chris. Oh, Chris. I can't help but feel that this is partly my fault.
- Christopher Marshall: It isn't. Spare yourself.
- Caroline Lane: At least, let me buy you lunch. After all, we've only got each other to get through this humiliation.
- Christopher Marshall: Caroline, the first lunch was a mistake. A second would be complete torture.
- Caroline Lane: Drinks, then?