1 review
I have doubts about filmed theatre in general and this celebrated Beckett production, brilliant that it is theatrically, does not assuage my concerns. To the contrary, it makes me think of how cinematic Beckett's plays are and what would they look like if they were to be meta morphed into Film language by a creative film-maker--- On the other hand the entire "Beckett Directs Beckett" (San Quentin) trilogy is an invaluable historical/theatrical testament: this is how his plays were supposed to have been performed--- and it is so because seldom had the world Theatre seen a more control-obsessed director/author than Sam Beckett. And he was there manically watching over every breath, every word, even every light change--- So, if one does approach this marvellous production as a verbatim filmed Beckett tragic comedy---it functions splendidly. If on the other hand one expects for the film language to claim its own--- perhaps it's best to leave "Waiting For Godot" to one's imagination.