Richard Gere credited as playing...
John Klein
- John Klein: I think we can assume that these entities are more advanced than us. Why don't they just come right out and tell us what's on their minds?
- Alexander Leek: You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?
- John Klein: Two weeks ago, we were house hunting. One day you're just driving along in your car, and the universe just points at you and says, "Ah, there you are, a happy couple. I've been looking for you. I've been looking for you."
- Connie: Hey! Do you know that woman?
- John Klein: What woman?
- Connie: She just left. You didn't see her?
- John Klein: No.
- Connie: That's strange. She had long red hair, green eyes, real pretty. She was asking about you, John?
- John Klein: Did you see which way she went?
- Connie: No.
- John Klein: What did she say?
- Connie: She asked a lot of strange questions. You know, "What are you doing here?". And she asked if you were happy.
- John Klein: What did you say?
- Connie: I asked her for some I.D.
- John Klein: Did she give you any?
- Connie: No. She just said, "Tell John I'm sorry for ruining everything", and then she got up and walked out. What's wrong?
- [John shows her a picture of his DEAD wife]
- John Klein: Was it her? Was it her?
- Connie: That's your wife!
- John Klein: It was her.
- John Klein: You're reading my mind, aren't you? Did you read my mind?
- Indrid Cold: I have no need to, do I?
- John Klein: What's the third line of page fifty one?
- Indrid Cold: "A broken smile beneath her whispered wings". Still more proof, John Klein?
- Connie Parker: Looks like he's been dead about eight hours. He died of exposure. What made you come out here?
- John Klein: He called me.
- Connie Parker: When?
- John Klein: I didn't like the way he sounded.
- Connie Parker: When did he call you, John?
- John Klein: About an hour ago.
- John Klein: Look, here's the thing: I don't know how I ended up here last night. And I didn't even know I was in West Virginia. Somehow, between one and two thirty, I traveled four hundred miles and ended up on that your road by your house... and I've got no memory of it.
- Gordon Smallwood: And you call me crazy?
- Connie: I grew up right over that hill.
- John Klein: On a farm?
- Connie: Shucks, no! A real live house. Indoor plumbing and everything!
- John Klein: Sorry.
- Connie: We even had shoes for church and schoolin' and stuff!
- John Klein: You okay?
- Mary Klein: Hmm-mmm... Yeah.
- John Klein: Alright. It's alright. It's alright. It's just me.
- Mary Klein: You didn't see it, did you?
- John Klein: See what? What did you see? I didn't see anything.
- Mary Klein: John, there's something wrong with me.
- John Klein: To hear a voice is one thing. But this isn't just a message, it's a prediction. It came true.
- Alexander Leek: In the end it all came down to just one simple question. Which was more important - having proof, or being alive? Trust me. I turned away years ago, and I've never looked back.
- John Klein: Didn't you need to know?
- Alexander Leek: We're not allowed to know.
- [John is on the phone with Indrid Cold, with the blinds shut and the lights off - he hides his watch]
- John Klein: Where's my watch?
- Indrid Cold: In your shoe. Under the bed.
- Indrid Cold: Hello, John Klein.
- John Klein: Who is this?
- Indrid Cold: My name is Indrid Cold.
- John Klein: Unless, of course, you're Gordon Smallwood...
- Indrid Cold: Your father was born in Racine, Wisconsin. He lived in a green house on Monroe Street. You don't remember how your mother looked.
- John Klein: Okay, you got my attention.
- Gordon Smallwood: Mr. Klein?
- John Klein: Hey?
- Gordon Smallwood: I gotta talk to ya.
- John Klein: Okay.
- Gordon Smallwood: Last night I woke up... with the worst headache I've ever had in my life. And I... I went into the bathroom to get some aspirin... And I happened to look in the mirror... and... I swear to God, I see something I can't describe. But it sure as hell ain't my reflection. And then I hear this weird howl coming out of the sink. And there's a voice. It's a voice and it's saying: "Do not be afraid. Ninety-nine will die. Denver Nine". I even wrote it down.
- Alexander Leek: I knew a building was going to blow up, and I tried to prevent it. But no one listened.
- John Klein: What happened?
- Alexander Leek: People died.
- Ed Fleischman: [writing a newspaper article] The Balkans Peace Council is "comprised" of ten members, or is "composed" of ten members?
- John Klein: Twelve members.
- Ed Fleischman: Oh, right. Thanks.