Alexander Gould credited as playing...
- Nemo: Hey dad! Maybe when I'm at school, I'll see a shark.
- Marlin: I highly doubt it.
- Nemo: Have how ever met a shark?
- Marlin: No, and I don't plan to.
- Nemo: How old are sea turtles?
- Marlin: Sea turtles? I don't know.
- Nemo: Sandy Plankton from next door, he says they live to be a hundred years old.
- Marlin: Well, if I ever meet a sea turtle I'll ask him, right after I'm done talking to the shark.
- Dory: Have you seen a clown fish swim by? It looks just like him.
- [points to Nemo]
- Nemo: But bigger.
- Crab: Yeah, I saw him, Bluey. But I'm not telling you where he went, and there's no way you're gonna make me.
- [Dory holds him out of water for the seagulls to see]
- Seagulls: Mine?
- Crab: Ahh! All right! I'll talk! I'll talk! He went to the fishing grounds! Aaah!
- Seagulls: Mine? Mine. Mine!
- Nemo: Are you all right?
- Dory: [exasperated] I don't know where I am... I don't know what's going on. I think I lost somebody but I, I can't remember... and I can't remember...
- Nemo: It's OK, it's OK. I'm looking for somebody too. Hey, we can look together.
- Dory: I'm Dory.
- Nemo: I'm Nemo.
- Dory: Nemo?... that's a nice name...
- Nemo: Are you all right?
- Dory: [exasperated] I don't know where I am... I don't know what's going on. I think I lost somebody but I, I can't remember... and I can't remember...
- Nemo: It's OK, it's OK. I'm looking for somebody too. Hey, We can look together.
- Dory: I'm Dory.
- Nemo: I'm Nemo.
- Dory: Nemo?... that's a nice name...
- Gill: You see that filter?
- Nemo: Yeah.
- Gill: You're the only one small enough to get in and out of that thing. What we need you to do is take a pebble inside there and jam the gears. You do that, and this tank is going to get filthier and filthier by the minute. Pretty soon, the dentist will have to clean the tank himself, and when he does he'll put us in individual baggies, then we roll ourselves down the counter, out the window, off the awning, into the bushes, across the street, and into the harbor. It's foolproof!
- Mr. Ray: [introduction to the Bonus Features menu of the first disc of the DVD; Mr. Ray is singing] Let's make a selection, a selection, a selection. Let's make a selection on the D-V-D! Ohhhhh! Pick something.
- Nemo: [looks down at the reef] Cool!
- Mr. Ray: [all characters are off-screen past this point] Welcome explorers! So much to see, so much to learn. Let's go!
- [long pause]
- Mr. Ray: Okay, optical orbits up front, and let's pick a button.
- Dory: Uh! I'd like to see it with the commentary!
- Marlin: It's not up to you.
- Dory: Well, they might listen to me; I speak mammal. Choose the commentary!
- Marlin: Unbelievable...
- Mr. Ray: Sooo... Moving along!
- [pause]
- Mr. Ray: All scientific exploration is an act of discovery, so pick a button and discover what happens.
- Bruce: [Bruce's Easter egg narration on the same menu] Hullo. My name is Bruce. I promise to watch all the making-of features, listen to the complete audio-visual commentary, and search diligently for Easter Eggs. On my honor, so help me.
- [Nemo is stuck in the filter intake. The others are about to help him out when...]
- Gill: Nobody touch him! Nobody touch him.
- Nemo: Can you help me?
- Gill: No. You got yourself in there, you can get yourself out.
- Deb: Ah, Gil...
- Gill: I just want to see him do it, Okay? Keep calm. Alternate wriggling your fins and your tail.
- Nemo: I can't. I have a bad fin.
- Gill: Never stopped me.
- [Turns to show Nemo his broken fin]
- Gill: Just think about what you have to do.
- [Nemo wriggles out of the filter]
- Gill: Perfect.
- Marlin: I was right. You know what? We'll start school in a year or two.
- Nemo: No, Dad! Just because you're scared of the ocean...
- Marlin: Clearly, you're not ready, and you're not coming back until you are. You think you can do these things, but you just can't, Nemo!
- Nemo: [pause, mutters] I hate you.
- Bloat: Nemo, newcomer of orange and white, you have been called forth to the summit of Mt. Wannahockaloogie to join with us in the fraternal bonds of tankhood!
- Nemo: Huh?
- Peach: We want you in our club, kid.
- Nemo: Really?
- Bloat: If you are able to swim through... The Ring of Fire!
- [Nothing]
- Bloat: [Under his breath] Turn on the Ring of Fire. The Ring of Fire!
- Jacques: Oops!
- [turns on the volcano]
- Bloat: You said you could do it.
- [the volcano is on]
- Bloat: Ring of Fire!
- Mr. Ray: Well hello! Who is this?
- Nemo: I'm Nemo.
- Mr. Ray: Well, Nemo, all new explorers must answer a science question.
- Nemo: Okay.
- Mr. Ray: You live in what kind of home?
- Nemo: In an an... an-nem-men-nem-mon-ee... A men-nem-men-nem-o-nee...
- Mr. Ray: Okay, okay. Don't hurt yourself. Welcome aboard, explorer!