- Terry: Are you mad? Do you know what that man is?
- Dusty: Yes, I think I know what that man is.
- Terry: You don't know what he is. You have no idea. You don't know what his position is. You have simply no idea. You simply have no idea.
- Dusty: He has lovely manners. He seems to come from another world. A courteous, caring world. He'll send me flowers in the morning.
- Terry: No, he bloody won't. Oh, no, he bloody won't.
- Terry: You won't find voices raised in our club. People don't do vulgar and sordid and offensive things. And if they do we kick them in the balls and chuck them down the stairs with no trouble at all.
- Melissa: The clubs died, the swimming and the tennis clubs died because they were based on ideas which had no moral foundation, no moral foundation whatsoever. But *our* club, *our* club... is a club which is activated, which is inspired by a moral sense, a moral awareness, a set of moral values which is... I have to say... unshakeable, rigorous, fundamental, constant. Thank you.
- Gavin: In fact normal services will be resumed shortly. That is, after all, our aim. Normal service. We, if you like, insist on it. We will insist on it. We do.