Kenneth Mars credited as playing...
Grandpa Longneck
- [Littlefoot tells about the bright light he saw last night]
- Littlefoot: It - it flew real low and it shined like the bright circle - only blue and it made a crackling sound, like, like fire in the trees.
- Brown spiketail: Look here, nobody else saw this thing, how do you explain that?
- Littlefoot: I - I don't know. I guess, everyone was asleep. You believe me, don't you grandpa?
- Grandpa: Of course I believe in you Littlefoot - but er, erm...
- Littlefoot: But what?
- Grandpa: Perhaps the flying rock you saw only seemed different. Perhaps you were still a little sleepy. Or maybe it was something you saw in a dream - isn't that also possible?
- Littlefoot: I - I guess so, only...
- Rainbow Face #1: It's always like this, isn't it?
- Rainbow Face #2: Yes, if people don't see things with their own eyes it doesn't exist - what limited thinking.
- Grandpa: Oh I - er, beg your pardon?
- Rainbow Face #1: As you should - I mean, what if the little longneck did see something extraordinary...
- Rainbow Face #2: ...Miraculous.
- Cera's Dad: Impossible!
- Rainbow Face #2: Really? Have you really seen *all* there is to see? Are there no mysteries left for you?
- Cera's Dad: Er, well erm, no!
- Grandpa: Were you splashing round in the bubbling mud again?
- Littlefoot: No, we were just sitting talking in the tall trees.
- Grandpa: Oh, that's perfect...
- Littlefoot: Only - then we had a visitor.
- Grandpa: Oh - and who was that?
- Littlefoot: Petrie's, uncle Pterano.
- Grandma: Oh my goodness! Here - in the Great Valley?
- Littlefoot: And he was with some other fliers. I know he's Petrie's uncle but - there's something about him that - ooh, well, I just don't like him. Is that bad?
- Grandpa: Littlefoot, you have good instincts and you should pay attention to them.
- Grandma: Did Pterano tell you why he left the herd?
- Littlefoot: [unsure] Well - he said the other grown-ups - couldn't see very well.
- Grandpa: What on earth! We could see just fine - as a matter of fact, we saw right through him!
- Grandpa: It just sounds like Pterano is up to his old tricks again.
- Littlefoot: Er, what old tricks?
- Grandpa: Oh - well let's just say that if we hadn't put a stop to Pterano, we might never had made it to the Great Valley.
- Littlefoot: That's awful!
- Grandpa: Yes, it was... Someday, when you're older, I'll tell you about it.
- Littlefoot: Oh, why do I have to wait until...
- Grandma: In the meantime, remember, Pterano considers he knows everything, even when he knows nothing.
- Grandpa: So be careful, will you?
- Littlefoot: OK, I promise.