Instead of "Jay and Silent Bob Will Return In...", it now reads, "Jay and Silent Bob have left the building." Then there is a clip of Jay saying "Snoogans" which, he explained to Justice, means "Just kidding".
Near the end of the credits, after the "no animals were harmed" statement: No gay people were harmed during the making of this film (however, some were used as test dummies in the creative process). Anybody who uses the insults contained in this film on any gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or heterosexual person --real, perceived or imaginary-- is a total dumbass!
Malcolm Ingram is credited as a "Mewes Wrangler", a reference to Jason Mewes' struggles at the time.
No animals were harmed while making this movie, but some internet snipers got their asses handed to them.
As Morris Day and the Time perform "Jungle Love" at the end, the shots used to identify the actors are often outtakes, ending with a terrific blooper of Jason Mewes flubbing a line.
Near the end of the credits, it says: How's our driving? Let us know at
After the credits, "That Woman" (God) closes the book on the View Askewniverse and prances away.
At the start of the film, the title logo includes the words "View Askew", in the same placement as the words "Star Wars" appeared on the title logo for Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980).
The Director Would Like to Thank... GOD - He Who makes it all possible JEN - She who picks up His slack with patience, love and lust SCOTT - Without whom, I'm nothing JAY - Without whom, there's no movie BOB - For Saying "Take'em out of Jersey" HARVEY - For Saying "Kevin and Scott are making a movie where?!?" MOM AND DAD - The best parents a guy ever had GAIL AND BYRON - A close second HARLEY - For her never-ending fascination with poo-poo GORDON - For the same JAMIE - For shooting the best looking flick we've ever made JIM - For scoring the best looking flick we've ever made SLOSS - who coined the phrase "It's Dogma without the religion." RASKIND - who coined the phrase "I'd fire Sloss for saying that." AFFLECK - Once more into the breach, dear friend MATTY - who didn't charge nearly as much as the breach guy LEE - who did double-duty BRIAN AND JEFF - who did it yet again PHILBERT - for sound editing advice VORDO - for sound editing advice TIM - who kept it all running smoothly LAURA - who kept it all running smoothly and under budget GOOSEBERG - for C.G.I., there's no better man out there SUE - for you, there are better men out there THE CAST - who elevated a bunch of dirty words with their talents THE CREW - who elevated everything else, with a smile BRYAN - who laughed at "Give me the map Scott!" WALT - who laughs at Bryan's expense GINA - for coming back MONICA - who makes Scott come - to work, you pigs. To work. MING - He's the deejay, I'm the rapper BRAD AND CHRIS - they're the wheels of steel JIM MCLAUCHLIN - the wizard of Wizard AINT IT COOL MIKE - the Cool of Ain't It Cool CHAPMAN - who's merchandising my kid right into private school CAROL - who's keeping it all accounted for MATT WAGNER - for the logo we've gotten a lot of mileage out of OEMING - for the artwork we'll milk to death THE FOLKS WHO POST AT WWW.VIEWASKEW.COM - for the never-ending kind words THE FOLKS WHO POST AT AINT-IT-COOL-NEWS.COM - for the never-ending abuse HAWK & PIERSON - for starting this whole mess and MALCOLM - the best sport outside of hockey