One of the most stimulating, hilarious, thought provoking films I've seen in years. About an agoraphobe living maybe a decade into the future (in Belgium), when it is possible to have exclusively virtual relationships. Narrator/star has wry sense of humour, yet is quite compassionate and understanding as he goes about his daily business -- in all realms of life -- via interactive electronic media.
Film touches on experiences many of us have had in chat rooms, via email, on ICQ, on web pages, etc. It will probably seem very familiar to you. You're likely to find yourself nodding, "yes, yes, I've done that.... ah, yes, that's just the way it could be....."
Subtly and credibly casted, directed and acted. A film that is good enough to bear viewing two or three times. Something Ridley Scott might have made, if he'd thought of it first and if he'd sworn off violence.