Written and created by John May and Suzanne Bolch, Our Hero is a young adult drama following Kate Stiglic (Cara Pifko), who creates a monthly zine and begins distributing it through the mail to considerable success. A fairly standard highschool comedy / drama in the main themes and aspects, the show definitely pushes some plots in ways others wouldn't at the time. The writers wanted to grapple topics with some ambiguity, showing that there isn't always a clear cut moral lesson, and some topics can have complicated answers. It remained fun and entertaining throughout, the acting was a bit goofy but generally good, especially from Pifko. The stylization of the show as a "zine" with short interludes of cut out characters (think Angela Anaconda), and lots of dream / imagination sequences standard for sitcoms of the time. Only two seasons before cancellation, the show doesn't really end in any sort of big finally, its kinda just over, it was still a very fun run. Would recommend if it seems your style of show.