I absolutely loved the Price is Right, not only was it entertaining and funny, it just made Saturday Nights! It was slightly tacky, and you always knew that there would be a Daewoo or Mazda on offer during the showcase, with "Bruce 1" on the numberplate. But because it was tacky, that's why it worked so well.
It was lighthearted stuff and something that all the family would watch and enjoy.
Bruce himself was funny, and i was a bit annoyed when the show ended, but i guess it was going a bit sour.
Everything from "come on down", "now just push down when u feel an urge" to the audience shouting and giving hints in the showcase, and to the weak spins of the elderly participants in the showdown, were all a pleasure to watch.
I would hope that a new edition of the Price is Right will be on our screens in years to come, and someone like Vernan Kay or Ian Wright would be perfect as the host.