Meryl Cassie credited as playing...
- Lex: I'm gonna teach you a lesson you'll never forget.
- Ebony: Embroidery?
- Ebony: I need a word.
- Amber: I have one, knock, it's polite.
- Ebony: I have a scar!
- Jay: Oh, come now, Ebony - if you have a scar, everyone will want one.
- Lex: Just ask Ram to back off. He'll listen to you - you're his favorite.
- Ebony: You flatter me.
- Lex: No. I just know what you're really like.
- Ebony: Do you remember the 11th commandment? Thou shall not shoot thyself in the foot!
- Ebony: [on Ram, the husband of her two sisters' marriage proposal] You only want to marry me because I'm part of a set?