Bruce Greenwood credited as playing...
- Lt. Loomis: Sorry about what?
- Brice: Uh... she was... asking about Winters.
- Lt. Loomis: What'd you tell her?
- Brice: The story.
- Odell: Mr. Brice, both our periscopes are down, our sonar is gone, we are blind and nearly deaf. Our men are in a bad way and now we've lost two senior officers.
- Brice: Welcome to the war, Odell.
- Claire: This has nothing to do with the war! Just how much longer can we not say what we're all thinking?
- [looks around]
- Claire: No one wants to be the first? Fine, allow me. This submarine is haun...
- Brice: When I want your opinion, Miss Page, I'll give it to you, till then...
- Claire: I am not one of your men that you can just dismiss, Mr. Brice! I don't believe we're alone down here, and I know some of you think the same way, unless we find a safe harbor soon, we're all going to end up like your friend Mr. Coors.
- [first lines]
- Brice: [hands coordinates to Loomis]
- Lt. Loomis: This is almost a day behind us, sir.
- Lt. Loomis: Well who are they? Americans, Brits, Italians? It doesn't even say.
- Brice: Well I think we can assume they're friendly, Mr. Loomis. Besides, it doesn't appear to be a suggestion, does it.
- Brice: [after shooting Schillings upon discovering he's German] You should've told me.
- Claire: Maybe I was afraid you'd do exactly what you've just done!
- Brice: You should've told me regardless. Your little secret nearly cost every man here his life.
- Claire: You had no cause.
- Brice: Mr. Odell, the woman is confined to quarters for the duration of the patrol. If she asks to use the toilet, you are to bring her a bucket.