At just over half an hour, Ninja Bachelor Party is a hilarious short film which was written, produced, shot, directed, and starred in by the legendary Legendary Bill Hicks and his two Texas buddies Kevin Booth and David Johndrow. I wouldn't listen to the other reviews on IMDb, this film is really quite brilliant and has Hicks written all over amazing example of how great a performer he would become.
The film, follows Robitussan addict Clarence Mumford who dreams of becoming a Ninja Warrior. After having his dreams rejected by his parents, walking in on his girlfriend in the middle of an orgy and getting his ass kicked, Mumford- played by Kevin Booth- seeks out a guru, Dr. Death- played by Hicks- from whom he can learn the ways of the ninja. During a Robitussan binge Mumford is visited by a true Ninja Warrior in a dream- so he decides to head to Korea. Part of his training includes smoking magic mushrooms which sends him on trip that results in a revelation (one which shows how Hicks had developed the philosophies which would greatly influence his later comedy very early). After completing his training he returns to Texas to seek vengeance on the men who stole his girlfriend and kicked his ass. The remainder of the film is a vicious slapstick stunt-filled martial arts spectacle, one of the finest ever captured on film for sure.
The voices are all done in voice-over, most of which are done by Hicks and Booth themselves. They are often out-of-sync which makes it pretty funny, like a true martial arts dub. The film was shot in Austin and Houston over a few years by the group of friends, and it really is well done considering their experience and resources. And to top it all off, you get to hear some original musical tracks written and performed by Hicks himself!!