I remember going to the movies every Friday night, with one of my friends. We both brought twenty bucks and paid our tickets...but we had ten bucks left after paying them, and these bucks were going straight in the "Insert Coins" hole of the House of The Dead 2 arcade. Every week during months...I've probably spent more than 100 bucks playing that game at the arcades. And then, I was the owner of a Playstation 2 and I had never heard about House of The Dead 3 being released...So, when I learned it, I decided to get rid of my PS2 (and my now-so-boring Vice City game) and to buy an XBOX...and the light gun that makes it so fun. Though the game was discontinued, I made sure to get my hand on a copy of it. And, on House of The Dead 3, you can unlock the whole House of the Dead 2 game. Now, at my home, comfortably, I close the lights, grab my gun and blow zombies to gory chunky bits. I can enjoy what I would describe as "the most arcade-ish game you'll see".
Now, more precisely, for House of The Dead 2, I'd say it's the best of the bunch. The graphics are not up to systems on the market today (XBOX in particular)...they're not smooth, pixels are big...but it gives the game even more qualities: it still feels like a game, it doesn't try to be realistic, it is funny as hell (the two heroes in this game are really cheesy...so is the dialog), it has basic but great lighting effects (that I'm also sure can be bad for the eyes or give bigger than usual chances for epilepsy), the gore is SO amazing...on a single head, there are about four or five different spots that can be shot and blown off. It really makes every killing different and varied, as you'll be amazed by how mutilated the next zombie you'll kill will be. The game also moves so fast, it keeps a very intense and dynamic pace, jumping from a horde of zombies to kill to the next. Plus, the bosses are fun and the training mode is a delight. There are also five levels of difficulty, which contribute to the re-playability. This game is short, though. But in this case, it's better that way. Think about this game as a B-movie you love and you want to sit through quite often, because it's fun. It's a game that you have to play several times...every time you'll sit through this interactive arcade movie with non-stop action, as we could call it, you'll have as much fun as you had in the beginning. Really great game, play two players, with light guns (or at least it would be better) and enjoy the roller-coaster of zombie butchering that House of The Dead 2 has to offer. This is a video game...video games have become so structured and have dull complex stories nowadays...And between the action sequences you'll get in a game, you'll have to fill up or follow an uninteresting story...rent a well written movie or book instead...House of The Dead 2 has no pretention, and offers only pure zombie carnage action while laughing at the concept of "story" in a video game...
Great game...simple, but incredible. Might not please to those who prefer conquest games, or that absolutely never want to reduce themselves to turning off their brain to zero and enjoying a nutty but honest fun.
House of the Dead 2 is a real good, short experience of gaming to play more than once a day. But beware...it gives headaches, because it really is intense...enjoy
9.5 out of ten