Robert Duvall credited as playing...
Gen. Robert E. Lee
- Col. Porter Alexander: [Speaking with General Lee on the Confederate positions on Marye's Heights] General, they going to come at us here?
- General Robert E. Lee: Colonel Alexander, Federal troops amassed across that river are watching us prepare for them. If I were General Burnside, I would not attack here. I'd move back upstream, come across from above us. But Burnside is not a man with the luxury of flexibility. He's being pushed from behind by loud voices in Washington, by newspapers who demand quick action. But we're here, and so he will attack us here.
- General Robert E. Lee: I never thought I'd see the day when the President of the United States would raise an army to invade his own country. No, Mister Blair, I cannot... I will not lead it.
- General Robert E. Lee: If Washington will end their side of the fighting and recall their armies, this war will be over. We must show the enemy that they can not win. If we threaten the northern cities, if we threaten to bring the blood into the North, great pressure on Mr. Lincoln to end this war.