Chi McBride credited as playing...
The Chief
- Undercover Brother: Are you telling me there really is a Man'?
- Conspiracy Brother: What do you think? Things don't just happen by accident! Sometimes people - mostly *white* people - make things happen!
- Undercover Brother: So the conspiracies we've believed for all these years are true? The NBA really did institute the three point shot to give white boys a chance?
- Smart Brother: Absolutely!
- Undercover Brother: Then the entertainment industry really *is* out to get Spike Lee?
- Conspiracy Brother: Come on man! Even Cher's won an Oscar! Cher!
- Undercover Brother: Then O.J. really didn't do it?
- [Everyone looks away and mumbles]
- The Chief: We... we ain't got time for this!
- Undercover Brother: Wait a minute, how'd the white boy get a job at "the B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D."?
- The Chief: Shit, what can I say? Affirmative action.
- [after witnessing the General's speech]
- The Chief: Smart Brother, you're so damn smart. Can you tell us what the Hell just happened?
- Smart Brother: Well, uh, I, uh, um...
- The Chief: [mocking him] Well, um, I, uh... Shut up! If I wanted to hear something stupid, I'd ask his skinny Black Ass!
- Conspiracy Brother: Ha, ha! In your face! Ha! Skinny black... HEY!
- Conspiracy Brother: That's Right! It's goin' to the streets. Hey y'all! It's revolution up in this Bitch! Set the alarm for Defcon 5! It's on, baby... it's on!
- The Chief: Good work, White She-Devil. Oh, and you in too.
- Conspiracy Brother: What the Fuck? Chief! I've never seen this bitch in my agent classes! I'm still paying the loans off, man! I sleep on a pissy mattress! I ain't got good food to eat! I borough money for my Weed! I quit! That's it. Y'all ain't got Conspiracy Brother Jones to kick around no more! Give me a pillow case... I'm joining the Klan!
- [as black cultural leaders begin to fall prey to The Man's plan]
- The Chief: Jay-Z to cover Lawrence Welk's greatest hits? John Singleton to remake "Driving Miss Daisy"? Terry McMillan - "How Stella got her White Man Back"? Double damn it! Black people all over the world are losin' their damn minds!
- The Chief: I'm tired of you disrespecting me! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't fire your black-ass?
- Undercover Brother: Because I... don't... work for you?
- The Chief: SHUT UP! Save the smart comments for the chunky brother in the smock!
- Lance: So let me get this straight; whenever a black guy does well, starts wearing Dockers, buys a few Celine Dion records, and sleeps with a White chick, you automatically say he's sold out?
- The Chief: That's enough, Lance!
- Lance: Always trying to shut the white man down.
- Conspiracy Brother: THAT'S RIGHT! That's Right!... Oh, that ain't right.
- [after Undercover Brother escapes a massive explosion by floating down a cliff in parachute pants]
- The Chief: Didn't you cause about a ba-zillion dollars worth of damage? And I sure as hell ain't covering for ya; I don't care how sexy you look floating down in your little pants!