Melissa Sagemiller credited as playing...
- Leah: Would you like to share something personal with the crew? Robert... Uh... Ro-berta.
- Roberta: Personal?
- Leah: Mm.
- Roberta: Well, uh, my name is Roberta, and... I'm addicted to porn and I masturbate constantly.
- [silence - the sorority sisters stare at him]
- Roberta: Pillow fight! Pillow fight!
- Leah: I can guarantee you, that guy is a wham bam thank you ma'am!
- Daisy: No, no I heard he's a "hello. How are you? You seem like a person I'd like to get to know. Can I take you out to dinner... Sometime, ma'am."
- Leah: Should I get under the table and suck your cock right now?
- Dave: Right here?