Maaya Sakamoto credited as playing...
Hitomi Kanzaki
- Hitomi Kanzaki: Where are you, Van?
- [there is the sound of crying as Hitomi runs around a ghostly tree looking for Van]
- Van: Leave me alone!
- [the voice comes from inside the tree]
- Hitomi Kanzaki: Please come out! Don't leave me alone!
- Van: I can't go back... I can't escape this fight.
- Hitomi Kanzaki: You can!
- Van: You don't understand. I'm always alone.
- Hitomi Kanzaki: I too am alone. It's sad being alone. It's painful. I felt that way too. But if we're together, at times we may hurt each other, and we may even part. But, that is not the end. I'll always be with you.
- Hitomi Kanzaki: Hey, Van? How long can I stay here?
- Van: Until the Mystic Moon calls you back. Until then, I will always be with you.
- Hitomi Kanzaki: Thank you. We will always be together.
- [a bird flying high above lets out a piercing cry, and Sora's song echoes on the wind]
- Hitomi Kanzaki: Can you here it? Can you here her song?
- [she steps forward, and great white wings appear from her back. then, with the fluttering of a multitude of birds wings beating the air, she is gone]
- Hitomi Kanzaki: Van! Why... why are you so hurt?
- [Van has been wounded deeply, and Hitomi tries to stop his bleeding as her voice grows desperate]
- Hitomi Kanzaki: No, please stop! Please stop bleeding! Van, come on! Open your eyes! Someone! Is anyone here? Someone, save us! Please save Van! Someone! Someone! Someone save us! Save Van!
- [suddenly, out of the mists, Jarjuka appears]
- Jajuka: Let him die. Free the young man from the sorrow of fighting alone. Death is what he wishes for. Death is peace.
- [he speaks as he clutches the fallen body of Nukushi in his arms]
- Hitomi Kanzaki: Van...
- Jajuka: Sorrow never ceases until death sweeps it away.
- Hitomi Kanzaki: Does he want to die? Why? Is he so sad? Is he in that much pain? Why? Why do you live alone in sorrow? You're not alone, Van.
- [she turns, and looks up at Jarjuka]
- Hitomi Kanzaki: I want Van to live! I will stay with him. Until he realizes he is not alone... until his sorrow is no more... I will stay by his side. There is no sorrow that never ceases. I want to believe that. Just as the rain will eventually stop and reveal a blue sky that we both can see.
- Hitomi Kanzaki: [Hitomi falls out of the Escaflowne] Who are you?
- Van: [grabs her] You are... are you the goddess of wings?
- Folken: [Hitomi flashback] You are the goddess of wings
- Hitomi Kanzaki: [looking frightened] Wings?... what are you talking about?
- Van: I'm a descendant of the Dragon Clan. My name is Van. I will obey your wishes and orders Goddess of Wings... for the purpose of leading Gaea to your will.
- Hitomi Kanzaki: I...
- Van: I will don this armour... known as the Escaflowne and eliminate anything that gets in the way of your will. Anything.
- Merle: you ARE strange
- Hitomi Kanzaki: [gets mad] I don't want you calling me that.
- Merle: here.
- [throws her water]
- Merle: so are you the REAL goddess of wings?
- Hitomi Kanzaki: I dunno...
- Merle: But its about you, isn't it?
- Hitomi Kanzaki: I... don't even know where I am.
- Merle: Isn't that called stupidity?
- Van: [to Folken, struggling to get up] Even if...
- Hitomi Kanzaki: [worried] Van.
- Van: You destroy all of Gaea... your sadness will not go away.
- Folken: How would you know?