Vic Perrin credited as playing...
Ming the Merciless
- Flash Gordon: You can't get away with this!
- Ming the Merciless: If your strength is as great as your insolence, you may survive a while... in the mines. You will be chained with Thun. Earthman and mutant of Mongo!
- [laughs evilly]
- Ming the Merciless: Bring forth the Princess Aura. If she has been harmed, Vultan, you will burn through a thousand flaming hells, I promise you.
- Ming the Merciless: Did you think any laws would apply to me? Enjoy your victory, Flash Gordon, for we will meet again.
- [evil laughter]
- Princess Aura: I am your daughter, Ming!
- Ming the Merciless: Well said, daughter of mine.
- [cackles with laughter]