'The Flower Pot Men' to this day is still a classic, it is still incredibly charming, entertaining and well crafted. Hearing that there was a remake, part of me went "oh no" and like what is the point. Still gave 'Bill and Ben' the benefit of the doubt, as someone who appreciates stop motion animation a lot and who loves a lot of Cosgrove Hall's work. For instance, 'Danger Mouse', 'Count Duckula' and 'The Wind in the Willows' are classics and were staples of my childhood.
'Bill and Ben' is a more than worthy updating and compared to a lot of modern remake shows of old masterpieces it compares extremely favourably. It does lack the ahead of the time subversiveness and sometimes surreal nature of 'The Flower Pot Men', which played a big part in its appeal despite it being criticised at the time, and doesn't have its level of sophistication, hence the lower score. But the charm, simplicity and fun still remain. Without being too hectic or noisy, one might worry upon hearing about it that it would be cheap and brash but 'Bill and Ben' manages to be none of those things.
So much is good here in 'Bill and Ben'. For one thing, Bill and Ben themselves are very engaging and likeable and the show doesn't forget what made them so memorable in 'The Flower Pot Men'. While the new gang of supporting characters may not be on the same level as the supporting characters in 'The Flower Pot Men' they are still very individual in personality and fun to watch.
It's a very well animated show, with the show somehow managing to evoke fond memories of 'The Flower Pot Men' even with the large amount of redesigning and modernising all skillfully done. The visual style is very colourful, beautifully detailed and at its best splendid, Bill and Ben work well in this style, the garden world is more expansive and has real vibrancy and even the little things and gestures are done well. The music fits very nicely.
Moreover, the writing is clever and not juvenile or over complicated. Have always loved the unique language Bill and Ben communicate in and 'Bill and Ben' stay loyal to it. Also have always found the promoting immaturity criticism that 'The Flower Pot Men' garnered at the time ridiculous and still think that way watching that and 'Bill and Ben'. The stories are simple but also very endearing and quaint, with some nice amusement too. The voice acting is very good indeed, John Thomson in particular showing off some great versatility and spirit.
To conclude, well worth watching. 8/10.