Aired in North America in the early 80's as "Starvengers," one of the five shows that comprised "Force Five," a syndicated package of anime that ran a different show each weekday.
Although none of the three robot formations from Getter Robo (1974) ever made it to Mattel's phenomenal Shogun Warriors toy collection in America, the three formations from this sequel series did. Getter Dragon became "Dragun," Getter Liger became "Arrow," and Getter Poseidon became just "Poseidon."
The #3 bad guy in the series in Japan was named "Hitler", and was an alien caricature of Adolf Hitler with the brown Nazi-esque uniform and small mustache. He was differentiated by a pair of horns protruding from his head. When the series came to America as "Starvengers", his name was changed to "Colonel Fuhrer" which still acknowledged the source of the character.