Actors and actresses live for the accolades they receive from their audience. They make a living off the reputations they construct over different performances. Unlike most jobs, their very livelihood and sense of self esteem is intimately tied up with the appreciation they receive from others.
But what happens when they get old? What happens with the viewing audience looks for youthful countenances expressing buoyant enthusiasms rather than mature, experienced portrayals of the subtly nuanced elements of human behaviour?
In this short, a group of such seniors live in a rooming house which is chock full of the personal and professional jealousies that invariably afflict those who have always clamoured for the spotlight.
One of them claims to actually have a job, making the others envious with a spite which is almost too visceral to believe. To prevent him leaving the washroom is a juvenile, not an elderly action.
Tailing the employed actor, the major revelation of the film occurs in a park by the lakeside. Prospero's 'we are such stuff as dreams are made of' speech is a fitting selection for this scene. The final refusal of the spy to reveal what he has discovered is a testament to the essential humanity that underlies all human beings, no matter what degree which they practise elbowing one another out of the way.
Very moving. Very real. (Especially for older viewers, like myself!)