These videos are not necessarily "bad", but my mentally challenged sister loved them and watched them continually. I can do that with Veggie Tales movies(I still do at age 20), but I just can't with these Sing-A-Longs.
Another reason I don't care for these is I don't get some of the song selections. How do they decide goes on what tape? Like this tape, for example-why is Colors of the Wind from Pocahantas with Why Should I Worry from Oliver and Company?
I know this is nick-picky, but some of the songs they choose I don't absolutely love-like Someone's Waiting For You from the Rescuers, which is in Under The Sea. Again, what does that have to do with water?
I also remember one video-The Bare Necessitates-having a song about evolution, and I didn't care for that-it once got stuck in my head for a whole day. Again, that's nick-picky.
Also, in this day and age, we can go on You Tube and look up such songs. I do enjoy Disney songs-my favorite is Hellfire from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, my favorite Disney movie.
However, that brings another point-why should DISNEY choose the songs when we can choose them in other ways? Also, why not just watch the movies they are from, which are way better? I guess that goes against my Veggie Tales point, but still, I would rather see Pocahantas than sit through this!
If you REALLY want to see these videos, I suppose there is no real harm. I don't give all of these 1 star(I'd give Topsy Turvy a 10 if I had to choose one 10), but my rating refers to the fact that I have seen these way too many times.
I see these exact videos on You Tube and I am repelled by clicking on the video. I've seen them too many times, and I have never really loved these videos-at least, in the way my sister did.
Show them to your kids if you want, but expose them to the actual movies more. I may skip these if I have my own kids.
PS, I chose to review this video in particular to review the series since this is one of my least favorite videos.