Crossing Jordan (TV Series 2001–2007) Poster


Miguel Ferrer: Dr. Garret Macy



  • Woody : What do we got?

    Garrett : Well, since they called for a medical examiner and homicide detective, my guess is a body.

    Woody : Is sarcasm a prerequisite for being an ME?

    Garrett : It helps.

  • Max : Tough age seventeen. They're right on the brink of being able to tell you to shove it and they know it.

    Macy : That's right. Jordan must have been a handful at that age.

    Max : With Jordan this stage started at eleven.

    Macy : And when did it end?

    Max : I'm still waiting.

  • Macy : Jordan, next time you're called for jury duty let your shrink know. I'm sure there's a reason you should be excused.

    Jordan : Wow. Did you mean to call me a nut job or are you just crabby?

  • Elaine : [talking about Jordan]  Garret, I'm serious. She is impossible to work with.

    Macy : Here's a tip. It's easier if you don't listen when she talks.

  • Macy : Why would you want to have sex six times in one day? I mean, come on, we're people not Bunnies.

    Lily : Dr.Macy said Bunnies.

  • Jordan : I have so much energy.

    Macy : Yeah, I can tell. Read your autopsy report. 12 pages to tell us she was hit in the back of the head with an unidentifiable object.

  • Jordan : You're not really going to put me on that leash are you?

    Macy : You'd just chew through it.

  • Jordan : Is this the part where I'm supposed to apologize too?

    Garrett : Didn't want to ask the impossible.

  • Jordan : Hey, you think the gift shop sells mittens?

    Macy : I thought you were done complaining.

    Jordan : As soon as I'm done freezing!

  • Woody : The last four times Burnham met him was at some Goth club named Asmanties.

    Garrett : Goth club huh? Let Nigel do all the talking.

  • Dr. Nigel Townsend : I paid seven homeless people to go dumpster diving for me.

    Macy : Who's money did you use?

    Dr. Nigel Townsend : Yours.

  • Jordan : Garret, have you gotten any recently?

    Macy : Pardon me?

    Jordan : You heard me. How long has it been?

    Macy : We are not having this conversation.

  • Macy : I really don't like you.

    DA Rene Walcott : Right back at you.

    Macy : I mean not at all.

    DA Rene Walcott : I get it. Just kiss me.

  • [Lily has just bought a sandwich] 

    Garrett : Tofurkey?

    Lily : Yeah. Fake turkey. Want some?

    Garrett : I'd rather eat sand.

  • [talking about Nigel's happiness on a freezing day] 

    Macy : If only we could harness that hot energy.

    Jordan : Yeah, Either that or we could just set his desk on fire.

  • Macy : Nobody knows what kind of parent they'd make until it's too late to back out.

  • Macy : Dead men do tell tales, I guess.

  • Macy : Get your coat.

    Dr. Peter Winslow : But it's pouring!

    Macy : We're like the post office. Neither rain, nor sleet...

  • Macy : You okay, man?

    Dr. Peter Winslow : Yeah. I'm just not used to working on bodies that are still bleeding.

  • Macy : Well... three dead people, three different guns, three fatal bullet wounds. A shoots B, B shoots C, C shoots A.

    Jordan : Commutative Property of Murder.

  • [Rene is pregnant, and just telling Garrett] 

    DA Rene Walcott : We met for a drink...

    Garrett : And one thing led to a mother?

  • Macy : [holding up a stethoscope from Jordan's days as a Thoracic Surgery resident]  You still talk to God through this thing?

    Jordan : Naw, we e-mail now.

  • [Jordan's going out on a date] 

    Macy : Word of advice: try not to sabotage things before dessert.

  • Jordan : Garret Macy. Are you actually telling me to keep crusading?

    Macy : As if you would ever do what I tell you to do.

  • Macy : We should all sort out our personal demons before having children.

  • Woody : It's Jordan, isn't it? This trial would be over by now if she wasn't in there poking holes.

    Macy : That'd be my guess.

    Woody : Jordan being Jordan.

  • Macy : That was stupid and reckless what you did, you know that? You don't listen to me.

    Jordan : Come on, Garret.

    Macy : You do what you want. And if you hadn't this time, those boys wouldn't be alive now.

    Jordan : All in a days work. No big deal.

    Macy : I'm still your boss and I'm telling you it was a big deal. Own it. I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you.

  • Garrett : You ready for this?

    Jordan : Yeah... Look at me man, I am a vision of authority. I'll just order the keg and line up the togas.

  • [Peter is autopsying a morbidly obese man] 

    Macy : Now that's what I call a pancreas.

  • Garrett : Woody...

    Woody : Ahh!

    Garrett : I think it's time you cut down on the java.

    Woody : I think it's time you quit sneaking up on people!

  • Dr. Stiles : Depressed?

    Macy : About what?

    Dr. Stiles : Oh, I don't know. Anything - life, love, public transportation...

  • Macy : After three years, we might beat Miami.

See also

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