- [repeated line]
- Baby Hugs: Oh goody goody gosh!
- Baby Tugs: I don't feel very good.
- Baby Hugs: Eww! You sound yucky!
- Baby Hugs: Us eagles love soup.
- Hugs' Shadow: That's right. Worm soup!
- Baby Hugs: Worms? Yuck! I don't want to be an eagle!
- Hugs' Shadow: Okay. Popcorn soup!
- Baby Hugs: Popcorn soup? That's funny.
- Baby Hugs: Tugs is sick. He has a temperature.
- Hugs' Shadow: I remember I was sick once. I had a temperature of a million.
- Baby Hugs: Really?
- Hugs' Shadow: Yep. I was so hot they had to call the fire department.
- Grumpy Bear: Beastly, what do you know about safety?
- Mr. Beastly: Are you kidding? I practically invented the stuff! What is it, anyway?
- Brave Heart Lion: And at the end of Round 1, Baby Tugs has 1 point, Baby Hugs has 1 point, and Mr. Beastly still has no points.
- Mr. Beastly: I'm pacing myself.
- Mr. Beastly: I found it! The most dangerous things on the face of the planet! Look!
- Baby Hugs, Baby Tugs: Brustle sprouts?
- Grumpy Bear: But Beastly, brustle sprouts aren't dangerous; they're actually good for you.
- Mr. Beastly: Good for you? Have you ever tasted these things? Yuck!
- Brave Heart Lion: A bully is picking on a little boy. A real Care Bear would do what?
- Mr. Beastly: Help the bully by pushing the boy into a puddle?
- Shreeky: Now we need a way to ruin Champ's chariot.
- Mr. Beastly: How about we roll it down the hill and smash it?
- Shreeky: I've got a better idea. We can roll it down the hill...
- Mr. Beastly: Uh, but Shreeky?
- Shreeky: ...And smash it! OK, let's roll.