24 (2001–2010)
Penny Johnson Jerald: Sherry Palmer
Sherry Palmer : We've had a hard day, but when you look at it in perspective, you'll realize I was acting in your best interest. And I know you're so mad at me.
President Palmer : I'm not mad at you.
Sherry Palmer : Oh, good.
President Palmer : I feel sorry for you.
Sherry Palmer : You feel sorry for me?
President Palmer : You've lost touch of what it is to be a friend... a parent... a wife. After today, I never want to see you again.
Sherry Palmer : David!
President Palmer : Please, Sherry, I've heard it all before. And I don't care what this may do to my candidacy. And it's not because I don't want to be President. I do. I just don't think you're fit to be the first lady.
Sherry Palmer : Do you really think you can just leave me? Don't you think for a second it'll be that easy!
President Palmer : Secret Service will escort you back to Washington when you're ready.
[turns away from her and walks towards the room exit]
Sherry Palmer : [screaming after David, who is ignoring her rantings] David, you don't just walk away from me! David, you can't do this without me! David, I'm talking to you!
[a secret Service Agent stops her from following after David Palmer after he leaves the room]
Sherry Palmer : Get your hands off of me!
Sherry Palmer : Mike's job is to tell you what you want to hear. Mine is to tell you the truth
President Palmer : You're not qualified for that job.
Sherry Palmer : Why don't you just say what's on your mind? You don't want me here.
Lynne Kresge : Mrs. Palmer, I...
Sherry Palmer : No, you don't want me here! So let's just quit playing games?
Lynne Kresge : How dare you speak to me like this? I was appointed by the President of the United States of America because of my qualifications in foreign policy and crisis management, and I don't know what kind of credentials you have that make you think you can lecture me. Fine. You don't want to play games? I don't like you. And I don't like you being here.
Sherry Palmer : Well... *now* we're communicating.
Sherry Palmer : Complex problems sometimes have the simplest solutions.
Sherry Palmer : What? What's Funny?
President Palmer : No, nothing really. It's just that, when I wanted you to pull back, just let things be, you were a shark. Now that I've asked you back. I need you to be a shark.
Sherry Palmer : I can still be, whatever you need me to be.
Sherry Palmer : Who are you calling?
Jack Bauer : CTU. I am a sworn federal agent, Mrs. Palmer. You just confessed to a federal crime.
Sherry Palmer : You finish the speech?
President Palmer : Taking a break. The guys got tired of me yelling at them.
President Palmer : [asking about Alan Milliken's death] What happened, Sherry?
Sherry Palmer : I went... to the house.
[sees David's look, raises a hand slightly]
Sherry Palmer : to speak to Julia. Alan interrupted us... there was an argument... and... he had a heart attack.
Alan Milliken : [to Sherry, who is snooping up on something he has covered up] You come into my house? After everything I've done for your family? I've made your children's father the President of the United States!
Sherry Palmer : Wait a minute, whatever you did to help David was *not* for the benefit of my children. Let's get that straight. You're just a small man, Alan, who lords his money over his friends because that's all you have, that's all you are! Why do you think your wife had to go out and find another man?
Alan Milliken : Don't you *talk* to me like this!
Sherry Palmer : Because you're *not* one! Not one woman in her right mind would find you attractive without your wealth, Alan! That's what people want from you.
[Alan gasps, he is having a heart attack while Sherry continues]
Sherry Palmer : That's all Julia wants from you. And I'm supposed to be afraid of you? You think I'm scared of you? You're just a little boy, Alan! A pathetic, scrawny, sickly little boy!
Alan Milliken : [gasping] Julia, my pills. My pills!
Sherry Palmer : [Julia grabs the pills, going to Alan as Sherry grabs her arm] No, don't!
Julia Milliken : What are you doing?
Sherry Palmer : Don't!
Julia Milliken : Sherry?
Sherry Palmer : Don't!
Alan Milliken : Julia! Julia!
Sherry Palmer : This is your way out!
Alan Milliken : [shakes, gasping] Julia! Julia! Julia! Julia! Julia!
Alan Milliken : [falls out of his wheelchair, crawling to the counter, grabbing his pills, trying to take them. He stops shaking, collapses on the floor and dies]