Mary Lynn Rajskub credited as playing...
Chloe O'Brian
- Chloe: I was unfairly harsh to you a few minutes ago, I didn't mean anything.
- Spencer Wolf: All right. Apology accepted.
- Chloe: It wasn't really an apology, it was more of an observation.
- Chloe: [as Jack strangles an FBI officer and a horrified teenage boy looks on] Don't worry... he's really good at this.
- [Chloe had to shoot a man in self-defense]
- Edgar Stiles: You okay?
- Chloe: I'm fine.
- Edgar Stiles: Is there anything I can do?
- Chloe: I said I'm fine! I am trying not to think about what happened, I'm gonna process it later, okay?
- Edgar Stiles: Sure, fine.
- [walks away]
- Chloe: Edgar, I appreciate your concern. I really do. Just when I shot that guy, I thought I'd go all fetal position. But the truth is, I didn't feel anything. At all. I hope I'm not some kind of a psychopath.
- Edgar Stiles: Well, he *was* trying to kill you.
- Chloe: Yeah, but still!
- Edgar Stiles: Maybe it's a delayed reaction kinda thing. Maybe you'll freak out about it in a few days.
- Chloe: I hope so.
- Chloe: OK, when the alert level goes down, and the terrorists have been caught, we can have some chamomile tea and I'll tell you all my secrets.