The "Seinfeld" curse strikes again, and thankfully this cursed show didn't last long. Absolutely painful, hugely unfunny mess about a successful motivational speaker whose own personal life is as chaotic as his professional life is organized. It's actually not a bad concept, but when they put this thing together, they forgot one minor detail--comedies are supposed to be FUNNY!!! The first episode of this show reminded me of that scene in "The Producers" after the "Springtime for Hitler" number ended: you see a shot of the several hundred people in the audience sitting stone-still, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, absolutely dumbfounded at the mind-numbing idiocy of what they had just seen. How Jason Alexander, the writers, the producers, the network, and anybody else who had anything to do with this show could have foisted it on an unsuspecting public is a complete mystery. Don't these people look at the episodes before they get broadcast? How could anyone who had seen this disaster waiting to happen let it go on the air? Did they actually think it was funny?
Fortunately, this train wreck of a show didn't last too long before it was yanked. Thank heaven for small favors.