Nasira: Spirits of darkness, hear my call, on this fateful night, I command the powers of evil to pop the sands of time and make a vision clear. Summon Jafar from the darkest depths and bring him here!
[Then a spirit of Jafar appears before Nasira]
Jafar: Oh Nasira my sister. I have been waiting in this dreadful place far too long. Have you discovered when you'll bring me back to Agrabah.
Nasira: Indeed I have Jafar, according to an ancient legend, there is a spell of restoration that can breed precious life back into a long dead soul, because of the spells power, artifacts necessary to cast it were banished to the far reaches of the desert. But once I obtain these artifacts, then you will be able to live again and the world will be ours for the taking! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Jafar: Don't get too excited sister! Beware of Aladdin and his infernal genie. I underestimated them once before and payed dearly.
Nasira: Bah! Don't worry Jafar, I have a plan that will get rid of the genie and that street rat Aladdin once and for all! Ha ha hah! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!