- Hazel: Paige, I just saw Spinner. He was completely out of line.
- Paige: [crying] It wasn't what I thought, you know? First time, I thought it would be beautiful or something. It's so stupid.
- Hazel: It's not stupid
- Paige: Those shoes, I wanted it to work. I wanted him to want to be with me.
- Hazel: He did want to be with you.
- Paige: Yea, sure.
- Hazel: He'll call you. You don't have to worry.
- Paige: I didn't even want to do it Hazel. I said No, over and over and over.
- Hazel: You said no? and he didn't listen?
- Paige: He just pushed me down, harder, and he wouldn't stop. He just wouldn't stop.
- Hazel: Paige, Honey. If you said no, that's rape.
- Craig: For once I wanna do the right thing... you know
- Spinner: But you don't have to keep the kid... there are other things you can do
- Craig: This is what I want to do Spin... you don't get it
- Spinner: No I don't... at all
- Craig: You got a family... I just stay at some guys house... but manny and the baby... their mine... their for me
- Craig: Somethin' 'bout the way you shine / When the lights go out / I wanna make you mine / Somethin' 'bout the way it seems / You're always here in my dreams / When there's no one there / No, I'm not scared / But I'm in love / With you
- Clare Edwards: What are you doing here?
- Eli Goldsworthy: Hi Eli, how are you? Fine Clare thanks for asking.
- Clare Edwards: Hi!
- Spinner: I can't, man. My bat... it's wooden.
- Jimmy: Sorry, my ears were plugged this morning. Sorry?
- Spinner: I have a boner.
- Jimmy: Oh.
- Spinner: And it's been like this all week. A girl walks by and just, bam! It's all because of Emma's stupid science fair project.
- Jimmy: What does the project have to do with it?
- Spinner: She made me eat granola and fruit.
- Jimmy: Bananas don't give you boners. Hormones do.
- Spinner: All I know is that I ate some healthy food and now I'm like, a sex Superman.
- Paige: What you did to me changed my life. I still can't sleep without my light on. Sometimes I even look under the bed to make sure you're not there. Dean, I made a mistake going upstairs with you, but you made more than a mistake. You made a choice.
- Kevin Smith: Spinner, the only thing I know is that making a movie with a bunch of high school kids is worse than making a movie with Ben Affleck... way worse.
- Paige: [referring to Hazel celebrating Ramadan] Christmas could learn a thing or two from Ramadan. After all that food, I could use a fast!
- Spinner: Paige.
- Paige: Hey spin.
- Spinner: How's your Grandma?
- Paige: What?
- Spinner: You know, you're grandma. The one who was sick on saterday night.
- Paige: Oh, she's ok, thanks.
- Spinner: And Dean, How's he doing? I know what happened, ok?
- Paige: Yea, were you in th room with me? because I don't think you were.
- [Paige walks away, Spinner grabs her arm to turn her around]
- Spinner: You lied to me.
- Paige: Don't touch me. Don't ever touch me.
- Spinner: Why not? Everyone else does.
- [Paige slaps spinner in the face and goes into the girl's bathroom]
- Paige: So, what, you're just forgiving creep boy for beating you up?
- Terri: He apologized.
- Paige: Of course... his kind always does, so they can get another shot in at you.
- Rick Murray: One, you have no right to dictate who Terri's friends are, and, two, you're a vicious backstabber.
- Paige: Oh I'm vicious.
- Rick Murray: Everything you say is a judgment... you think you're so perfect.
- Paige: What?... well I'd rather be that than a psycho...
- Kevin Smith: [talking to Craig about girl trouble] I'm a fat guy from New Jersey, I've had girl trouble.
- Manny: I'm going to be an actress. Like, Academy Award winning. And you can sell this for a million dollars 'cause I'm going to be famous!
- Ellie: Guys suck, Ashley. They enjoy messing with our feelings - and then sticking us with the rent.
- Liberty: Emma lives for stabbing you in the back, ripping out your heart and then stomping it bloodless with her pointy ballerina feet.
- Ashley: Yolanda stared into the soul of the eclipse, and saw the world for what it was: a shadow of black, empty, dissapearing, nothingness.
- Kevin Smith: Wow... I must be the worst kisser in the world.
- Caitlin: Kevin, no...
- Kevin Smith: I've got to set up the next shot.
- Kevin Smith: [hurrying away] Hey, uh... Mewes!
- Kevin Smith: I'm trying to get the Canadian flag into every shot because I'm a really big fan of the Canadian flag. So was Mewes until he figured out it was a maple leaf... instead of the wacky.