Brandon Massey credited as playing...
Detective John Carey
- TV reporter Kristy Bilden: [John Carey gets out of his car and sees the News report interviewing Sherry Moore] Mrs. Moore, what can you tell us about the latest victims in what's being termed this cities most gruesome murder spree?
- Sherry Moore: Me? Well I... uh nothing really. Am I going to be on TV?
- TV reporter Kristy Bilden: Mrs. Moore, is it true that all the victims have been tortured, mutilated?
- Sherry Moore: Well they're... they're... not all there. Um...
- TV reporter Kristy Bilden: Mrs. Moore is it true that Officer Elaine Garcia in the latest male victim and an unidentified victim John Doe were both found not only tortured but naked?
- Sherry Moore: Um... well yes. I mean well... no you see... Is that camera on?
- TV reporter Kristy Bilden: So Mrs. Moore, are you confirming that John Doe was not entirely nude, that he was found with a pair of nylons on this person? Is it true the nylons were wrapped around his neck?
- Sherry Moore: How'd you know that?
- TV reporter Kristy Bilden: So you are confirming this information. Detective Carey, can you comment on the nylons wrapped around the neck of the victim?
- Detective John Carey: I have nothing to say to you Bilden! Nor does Mrs. Moore!
- Sherry Moore: Hi Detective Carey!
- Detective John Carey: Sherry I'm taking you home! Bilden, you muck up my investigation and I'll have your job! Come on Sherry!
- TV reporter Kristy Bilden: Detective Carey, the public has a right to know! It's their safety at stake, Detective Carey!
- [John Carey grabs Sherry's hand and takes her home in his car]
- Detective John Carey: Sherry, what you did last night by talking to the press caused city wide panic! Do you understand that? What this investigation does not need is a city full of people arming themselves, holing up and not talking to the police!
- Deputy Coroner Sam Nobles: John, Sherry didn't mean any harm. She was taken by surprise by that News woman, weren't you Sherry?
- Detective John Carey: I don't care! The result is that the city is in a panic, the mayor is up in arms and the press is having a field day with this investigation and the department!
- Sherry Moore: I'm really really sorry Detective Carey. I thought maybe they're there for Star Search or maybe Entertainment Tonight. Honest Detective Carey, I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I wouldn't hurt a fly even if it was flying around and like, you know buzzing around in my ear, honest.
- [Sherry gets off the table and walks back to her desk job]
- Deputy Coroner Sam Nobles: John how could you be mad at a girl like that?
- Detective John Carey: Well how about if we talk off the record, just a little talk between friends?
- Barbie Cann: Oh darling, you going to be my friend? Okay then, I'll talk to you off the record.
- [Tuesday, 9:00 AM, Parker Center: Lieutenant Block is reprimanding Carey for the shootout at Central Park]
- Lieutenant Donald Block: So what's it gonna be, Carey? You gonna act like a pro or a spoiled brat? Have I made a mistake in assignin' you in lead investigator on this case?
- Detective John Carey: No sir, I...
- Lieutenant Donald Block: I'll have you know, I've had dozens of calls this morning on you shovin' that reporter yesterday! Everybody in town, from the Chief to the Mayor to outraged joe citizen, saw you push her. Damn! you were all over the news!
- Detective John Carey: Lieutenant, it wasn't...
- Lieutenant Donald Block: Besides you appearin' uncooperative, you were downright politically incorrect! You shove one more reporter an' the department's gonna get slapped with a civil suit! Shovin' anybody else, an' I'm gonna give you the boot myself!
- Detective John Carey: Lieutenant... I'd like to explain...
- Lieutenant Donald Block: Then there's the small issue of last night's events, Carey. Would you mind telling me what you were doing in the middle of a CRASH sting operation?
- Detective John Carey: Sir, I received a telephone call from a possible informant. I setup a meeting. I walked into an ambush...
- Lieutenant Donald Block: So it would seem, Carey, so it would seem. However, your tete-a-tete cost the department thousands of dollars and months of work! CRASH has been undercover for months on that operation! They were a fly's hair away from bustin' a gun runnin' ring wide open! With your help, the only catch they made was that local punk, Spiff. Luckily for you, your informant, what's his name, Emmo? What kind of name is that?... has turned into a little songbird! Emmo's sittin' pretty in the hospital singin' how Spiff's the one who killed the Washington boy. Emmo contends that Spiff wanted the boy to deliver guns to gang members and he wouldn't do it. The only redeemin' aspect of this whole affair is that Hickman's gun was found in Spiff's apartment when they entered under warrant. SID is running ballistics on Spiff's gun to see if they match the slugs taken from the dead boy. And speaking of SID, they've run ballistics on your firearms and they're ready to be picked up. The Police Commissioner is gonna want to know where an' into whom your bullets went last night. These tests are vital. Check with Chester before you head out.
- Detective John Carey: Thank you, Lieutenant. Sir, it would appear to me that if Spiff is found to be connected to the Washington boy's murder, might not he also be connected to Bob's...
- Lieutenant Donald Block: It doesn't work that way, Carey. While you were out being a cowboy, another body showed. The MO is similar, very similar. Again, it's one of our own. His name is Rene Garcia, worked out of Hollenbeck. Garcia's body was found on the front lawn of a singer... what do they call those guys? Rappers? by the name of Yo Money. Must be some big star, I'm getting static from upstairs. Anyways, Garcia was found by this Money man's bodyguard. He was walkin' a lady to her car, that'd been there for a party about 4:00 am. I want you to get over there and see what's going on. And remember, Carey, no cowboy tricks... just try and be nice, OK?
- Detective John Carey: Lieutenant...
- Lieutenant Donald Block: Carey, you have your assignment. Go out and find yourself a killer.
- [Carey exits the office]
- Deputy Coroner Sam Nobles: [In the In the Alley, South Central LA the police, John Carey and Sam are gathered at the crime scene with a dead body on the ground] John, let me warn you. It's bad, real bad. It's Hickman.
- Detective John Carey: Hickman? Bob Hickman?
- Deputy Coroner Sam Nobles: He's been badly mutilated John. Tortured really.
- Detective John Carey: My god Sam! Has Bob's wife Katherine been informed?
- Deputy Coroner Sam Nobles: When the call came in, I was told Hickman's Katherine was headed to their house. They have a little girl don't they?
- Detective John Carey: Yeah, Valerie. Her name is Valerie.
- Deputy Coroner Sam Nobles: Look John, I know you and Bob went back a long way.
- Detective John Carey: Long way? Hell Sam, Bob and I went through the academy together. Shared a ride for five years. I'm not little girls godfather! Sam, Bob was my best friend. Yeah yeah, you could say we went back a long way.
- Deputy Coroner Sam Nobles: I'm sorry John I...
- Detective John Carey: Yeah I'm sorry too! Sorry this city is so full of dirt bags, and creeps and losers! Bob was a great guy. A great cop. Who the hell would do this to him? What the hell was he doing out there?
- Deputy Coroner Sam Nobles: I don't know John. It's your Job to find out. My job is to pick up the body and find the cause of death.
- Detective John Carey: Sir, did you see any unusual activity or unfamiliar cars in the neighborhood?
- Two-Jack: I hear... hear shots! Bam! Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop!
- Detective John Carey: I'm Detective John Carey major crimes homicide LAPD. I'd like to ask you a question or two.
- Raymond 'Ragtopp Spiff' Jones: Whatever man. I'm just had.
- Detective John Carey: Let's start with your name. What is it? And do you live in the neighborhood? Or are you just visiting?
- Raymond 'Ragtopp Spiff' Jones: Man, this be my hood. I've been Raymond Jones the third.
- Lieutenant Donald Block: Carey Hickman's death isn't just your personal tragedy. It's a tragedy for the entire force. We've lost a friend, a father, and one damn good cop. As you know, you've been assigned to lead the investigator on this case. And I'm going to be looking to you for answers. I'm gonna ask you to put aside your personal feelings and deal with this investigation in a professional manner. If you don't think you're up to it, I wanna know now. Neither you, the public nor the department, can withstand not knowing the truth. I want you to comb that neighborhood. I want every rock turned over and every person interviewed. Remember Hickman was not the only fatality tonight. The family of that boy is grieving also.
- Detective John Carey: Yes sir.
- Lieutenant Donald Block: For your information, the boy has been identified as Bobby Washington. As for Hickman, I think there is something you should know. Maybe you already do. But here it is straight. Hickman's Lieutenant Jim Varaz informed me that Hickman was having trouble with stress, trouble at home. Varaz told me that Hickman had been in a fragile mind set, that working undercover was getting to him. You know the violence in the streets can get to anyone. I'm not knocking Hickman, I just want you to know how the department knew his current capacity. Okay Carey, you know what you need to do. Go out there and do it. Find who killed Hickman. Find who killed the Washington youth. Any questions?
- Detective John Carey: No Lieutenant.
- Lieutenant Donald Block: Alright then, get to work. And um Carey, When you see Katherine. Please extend my deepest symphonies.
- Detective John Carey: What time might you have heard these shots sir?
- Two-Jack: It was... it think pop, pop, pop, pop, pop! And I just hear them shots. I was scared.
- Detective John Carey: Well Raymond, if this is your neighborhood, then you must know what goes on around here. What happened here tonight? You see anything unusual? Maybe a different car, or some folks from another neighborhood.
- Raymond 'Ragtopp Spiff' Jones: Ain't seen nor heard nothing. And just out for some fresh LA air.
- TV reporter Kristy Bilden: [the news theme plays as the News TV reporter woman is standing outside the building with the cameraman recording the news] Last night. The LAPD was shaken to it's roots as Officer Robert Hickman police officer of the year 1992, was found brutally slain in a South Central neighborhood. Heading up the Hickman investigation is veteran Homicide Detective John Carey. Carey is best known for solving the murder of Lain Blair. The stunning actress featured in many of the action adventure straight shots movies, Detective Carey has been unavailable for comment. And all a request for a former statement had been denied. However, we have been told by an unofficial source, that the department has been looking into this as a gang killing. As the investigation continues, Oh wait! Here comes Detective Carey now! Detective Carey, over here! Kristy Bilden from the KKAT Detective Carey!
- TV reporter Kristy Bilden: [John Carey walks out of the building and walks over to the News woman who gets in his way] Detective Carey, would you care to make a statement during the murder of Officer Hickman?
- Detective John Carey: No comment!
- TV reporter Kristy Bilden: Could you comment on the speculation this is a gang related murder.
- Detective John Carey: No comment!
- TV reporter Kristy Bilden: Detective Carey, is it true that Officer Hickman's body was found partially nude.
- Detective John Carey: No comment!
- TV reporter Kristy Bilden: [If the player decides to have John Carey shove the newswoman out of the way] What do you think you're doing! Hey! The physical abuse I've just experienced at the hands of the Detective Carey has consistent with the treatment I've received from this entire department, in trying to report the story. As a reporter and citizen of this city, I fear for our first amendment rights. I'm Kristy Bilden reporting for KKAT.
- Detective John Carey: It looks like it's going to be a busy night for you Chester.
- Julie Chester: Unfortunately, our streets are being taken over by violence. Innocent people being killed, it's uncivilized sir.
- Detective John Carey: Chester, take over on the evidence.
- Julie Chester: Yes Detective.
- [Then Chester takes pictures with her camera of a dead body of Bob Hickman on the ground with the cigarette and the dead body of a boy in the dumpster]
- Deputy Coroner Assistant Russel Marks: Hello Detective Carey. You like my jokes?
- Detective John Carey: I don't know.
- Deputy Coroner Assistant Russel Marks: Well that's okay because I've got a million of them. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Go right in detective.
- Detective John Carey: Hello Sherry. I'd like to see Deputy Nobles, is he available?
- Sherry Moore: Show me your badge.
- Detective John Carey: Herbie, do you know anything that might help us solve last nights double murder?
- Herbie Lewis: Shit no! Not, I was with my granny, you ask her.
- Detective John Carey: Can you tell me your name and what your position is here?
- Kim Chee - Owner of Lucky Mini Mart: I owner of fluky Mini Mart. I will car for my store. My name is Kim Chee.
- Detective John Carey: Whew. That girlfriend of Walkers is something else. Tough for being so pa-teak.
- Hal Bottoms: Hell Junior, all women are bears, goddamn grizzlies, what if you thought that little tomato was tough. Wait until you meet Garcia mamas seeker, now that's one tough bitch. She's in giving the lieutenant and he air fool right now, poor son of a bitch.
- [Then Mrs. Garcia walks out of the lieutenants office and right up to Hal and John]
- Mrs. Garcia: I am Rosa Garcia, are you the detective investigating the death of my son?
- Detective John Carey: Yes, I'm Detective John Cary. Let me extend my sincere symphony for your loss Mrs. Garcia, I didn't know Rene personally but I...
- Mrs. Garcia: Well, I can knew my son detective and he was a good boy. He lived at home with me, he helped me with my errands, he went to church. I have been told by your lieutenant and the coroner that Rene's poor body was found exposed! I want the person responsible for doing this to my son caught and punished!
- Detective John Carey: Yes Mrs. Garcia, I understand.
- Mrs. Garcia: Do you understand detective? Do you have a son?
- Detective John Carey: Well no...
- Mrs. Garcia: Well, then you do not understand, Rene helped to take care of me, I have heart trouble, I cannot do heavy lifting, or any clean the house, he did our laundry, cook our meals, maybe, maybe he once in a while would go to a movie, but he did not date any one of those fast looking Morin type weenies. He was waited for a good girl, he was saving himself, he for what? For some pervert to strip him! Murder him! You find who did this to my son, find who killed my son! My beautiful son!
- [Mrs. Garcia sobs and walks out of the office]
- Detective John Carey: I see what you mean Hal.
- Hal Bottoms: Yeah, she's got one hell of a personality huh junior.