Wendy J. Cooke credited as playing...
- Santa Claus: Good morning, Toby.
- Toby: Morning, Santa.
- Santa Claus: No letters today?
- Toby: No sir.
- Santa Claus: Not even one?
- Toby: No sir.
- Santa Claus: You checked the mailbox carefully?
- Toby: Yes sir, there hasn't been a single letter.
- Toby: When ARE the letters gonna come? Tomorrow's Christmas.
- Head Elf: I don't know. Back when I was in the mail room we'd have thousands of letters by now, millions of letters. Right after Thanksgiving they'd start pouring in, I mean this room would be filled to the top with bags of letters from all over the world. I'd stay up half the night reading them.
- Toby: That's what I wanted to do, that's why I wanted to work in the mail room, I think that reading letters would be much more exciting than making toys.
- Santa Claus: I want to thank each and every one of you for all your hard work. For many years now we've been making beautiful toys and delivering them to children all over the world, and I know we've made a lot of people very happy. However, beginning this year, there will be no more Santa Claus.
- Toby: What? No more Santa Claus?
- Santa Claus: No one believes in the spirit of Christmas anymore, no one believes in the magic. I didn't get a single letter this year.
- Toby: Sir, I'm sure that's just a mistake. Maybe the post office couldn't get through, we've had an awful lot of snow this year.
- Mrs. Buzzard: You thought you could get the letters back, didn't you?
- Toby: Who're you? And what're you doing with Santa's letters?
- Mrs. Buzzard: I am Mrs. Buzzard, and I'm going to RUIN Christmas.
- Toby: Why?
- Mrs. Buzzard: Look at the way children behave around Christmas; they eat all their vegetables, they go to bed on time, they never slam doors. Think of the tempter tantrums they'll have when Santa doesn't show up.
- Mrs. Buzzard: Give it up, kid, you'll never get back.
- Toby: Yes I will.
- Mrs. Buzzard: [laughs] Forget it kid, Christmas is DEAD.
- Toby: You can't do this, you can't disappoint all those children.
- Mrs. Buzzard: I won't disappoint them, Santa will.
- Toby: But that's not fair! Santa thinks the children don't care anymore, he thinks they've lost the Christmas spirit.
- Mrs. Buzzard: And soon they will. They'll forget all about Santa and all about Christmas.
- Toby: Well I won't. I won't ever forget about Christmas: the stockings, the presents, the tree, Santa Claus, and all my friends, I'll always believe in Christmas. ALWAYS! I'll always believe in Christmas, I'll always believe in Christmas, I'll always believe in Christmas!