Roger Perry credited as playing...
Head Elf
- Toby: When ARE the letters gonna come? Tomorrow's Christmas.
- Head Elf: I don't know. Back when I was in the mail room we'd have thousands of letters by now, millions of letters. Right after Thanksgiving they'd start pouring in, I mean this room would be filled to the top with bags of letters from all over the world. I'd stay up half the night reading them.
- Toby: That's what I wanted to do, that's why I wanted to work in the mail room, I think that reading letters would be much more exciting than making toys.
- Trixie: What are we going to do? It won't be Christmas without Santa Claus.
- Smitty: Maybe I could drive the sleigh.
- Hoot: Terrific, last time you drove you got 3 tickets and you parked in front of the police station.
- Smitty: That wasn't my fault, Rudolph was reading the map.
- Trixie: Maybe we if we write lots of letters and take them to the post office, they could be delivered this afternoon, then Santa would change his mind.
- Head Elf: No, that wouldn't work, he'd see the postmark: North Pole.
- Trixie: What're we going to do?
- Hoot: Maybe you could drive the sleigh.
- Head Elf: No, no I couldn't do that, I don't see well at night.
- Smitty: Maybe Hoot could drive the sleigh, and I could be the navigator.
- Hoot: Smitty, where's Colorado?
- Smitty: Right next to Connecticut.