David DeCoteau's second film in the lengthy BROTHERHOOD series is a marginal improvement on the first, but that's really not saying much. Once again the story sees a bunch of high school students - who are in reality warlocks - attempting to introduce new members into their group. Inevitably some of the evil characters are murderous and go around bumping off peripheral characters until the good guys step up to do something about them.
It seems that the budget for THE BROTHERHOOD 2: YOUNG WARLOCKS was slightly improved over the first, as the production values are slightly stronger. Unfortunately, there are even MORE endless scenes of young muscle guys parading around in their underwear here, as well as a three-way sex scene between two guys and a girl (what else?) which seems to last a lifetime. The whole thing is poorly acted and silly, just an excuse for the director to appeal to gay men who also have a tolerance for Z-grade produce.