When Ryan holds his automatic to Cooper's head during the 'special forces selection' scene at the beginning of the film, the magazine is clearly not inserted. This can be seen when he rotates his wrist to check the time. Ryan racks the slide (you see him do it) and goes on to shoot a dog with it a minute or so later.
As with all automatics, there can be a round ready to fire or 'up the spout' as it were, even without a magazine in place. It is why you always see a character dropping the magazine and the racking the slide at least once to clear the shell that's 'up the spout' or properly, 'chambered'.
In this case, either the prop man goofed, or Ryan quietly slipped a magazine into it after he checked the time, and its the reason he racked the slide afterwards - to chamber a round, as he'd pointed an empty weapon at his recruits' head - NOT a loaded one. Ryan would have had to fit a magazine to fire the weapon due to the design of the 9mm Browning High Power which cannot be fired without a magazine fitted.
As with all automatics, there can be a round ready to fire or 'up the spout' as it were, even without a magazine in place. It is why you always see a character dropping the magazine and the racking the slide at least once to clear the shell that's 'up the spout' or properly, 'chambered'.
In this case, either the prop man goofed, or Ryan quietly slipped a magazine into it after he checked the time, and its the reason he racked the slide afterwards - to chamber a round, as he'd pointed an empty weapon at his recruits' head - NOT a loaded one. Ryan would have had to fit a magazine to fire the weapon due to the design of the 9mm Browning High Power which cannot be fired without a magazine fitted.
When Ryan is thrown across the table, the sword is shown being knocked to the floor. But when Ryan gets up and puts his arms on the table, the sword is back on the table. Then the next shot, the sword is on the ground again and Cooper is reaching for it.
After Spoon has reported the status on their ammunition, Cooper places his gun on the table. In the next shot, two bandages suddenly appear beside its hammer.
When Sam the dog has a mouthful of Wells' bandage, some of the bandage is hanging out of Sam's mouth. In the next shot, no pieces are hanging out of his mouth.
When Wells crashes into the oven, the bottom plate comes off and the gas hose falls out. He cuts the hose and in the next shot the bottom plate is suddenly back on the oven.
Despite what Cooper says, super-glue was not developed for medical use during the Vietnam War. It was first created in the 1940s as a strong glue but the original formula often caused skin irritation. Because of its strength when bonding skin, a spray version with a slightly different formula which didn't cause irritation was developed for medical use in Vietnam.
The group of soldiers are referred to a 'squad'. 'Squad' is not the name given to a small infantry unit in the British Army, it is called a section. Also sections have 8 men minimum, not 6, and generally are commanded by a corporal.
Throughout the first half of the film, when the squad is armed with the standard British rifle, the SA80, Cooper holds the weapon in his left shoulder. The SA80 is always held in the right shoulder, even if the user is left handed.
The helicopter the soldiers use is the Augusta A109. Whist the RAF operates some of these, mostly as VIP transports for senior army officers of government ministers, the British Army does not. They would be far more likely to use the Lynx, which can carry 8 soldiers, or the larger Puma.
Set in a forest at night but shafts of sunlight shine through the trees.
Although Cooper hacks off a werewolf's arm with the sword in the house, no one-armed werewolf is seen again in the film.
This is explained by werewolves healing from any injury quickly, even multiple gunshots, shotgun shells and knife stabs. The only way to permanently injure them is silver.
In the farmhouse, when Cooper is reloading the MP5 magazines with new bullets, at the kitchen table, the ignition caps already have firing pin impressions on them, showing them to have already been fired.
When the team reaches the destroyed special forces position there are 105mm charges and ammunition amongst the equipment present. The 105mm is an artillery piece unlikely to be used in a wood, and definitely not by special forces.
(at around 1h 13 mins) Megan shoots all the ammo from her magazine but the slide doesn't lock back on the last shot like it should. It was designed to do this to allow for the next magazine.
Several times in the movie characters are seen with the MP5 bolt in the locked up position, The weapon cannot fire in this position as it must be down to do so.
When Megan rescues the soldiers in her truck, you can see stationary scenery such as trees through the passenger windows visible in the background of the closeups of her and Pvt. Cooper, despite the actors all bumping and swaying to suggest being in a moving vehicle.
The film never makes it clear whether or not military weapons will kill the werewolves and and what point this might occur. Several characters are shown to be killed while changing into werewolves; however several werewolves are shown to be hit by multiple gunshots and suffering few, if any, ill effects.
The plot hole about the cooker is wrong, my gas cooker's ignition switch is battery operated. It uses a 9V Standard Battery, so doesn't need external electricity. Pretty much standard for years.
There is no explanation at the end as to how Sam the dog managed to survive the massive explosion that Wells ignited which completely destroyed the cottage. Sam was always shown as being inside the cottage.
Early on in the film it's noted that the power has gone off to the house as the werewolves have destroyed the generator yet the last act of Sean Pertwee's character is to spark the ignition on the cooker hob which would require electricity.
More than once, Megan asserts that the remote cottage where most of the action takes place is 50 miles from the nearest habitation, Fort William, or from the next glen where Megan claims her cottage to be. Even if she were lying to stop the soldiers from trying to leave, they ought to have known that nowhere is more than 50 miles from anywhere in the Highlands of Scotland, especially not a sizable town like Fort William.
The MP5s that they collect from the special forces camp have a fire rate selector which allows single shot, three-round burst and full auto options. Yet despite Cooper telling everybody to follow standard military training and use short, controlled, three-round bursts, nobody actually does so, Cooper included.
When Sam the dog is attacking Wells pulling at his bandages, Ryan says to them to "shut the dog up" even though Sam isn't barking.