Showtime is doing a free trial with my cable company, and thank god, because I wouldn't have paid a cent to see this movie!
The acting was pretty horrible (especially the people who played Ben and Caitlin - more wooden than my dining room table), the dialog ridiculous. I felt like I was watching the movie version of "Men's Sexual Fantasies".
Example: A guy goes to a woman's house to hit on her, but she's not interested and walks out the door, leaving him there... And her sexy roommate calls him out to the patio, where she's lounging by the pool with another hot chick. She wants to know, if he's not busy, would he mind filming her and her girlfriend having sex? Yeah, I know lots of guys would get off on that scene. And it happens so often in real life, too...
I wouldn't have been so hard on this if it were a regular porn flick. Then I'd have no expectations about the acting or the script... But this thing tries to sell itself as a movie, and it comes up way short.
This would probably be very entertaining for lonely guys who are home alone, who haven't had a date in a long time. Teenage boys will love it.
Ratings-wise, I'd give it a -5.